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他把它们堆起来。He piled them.

干草捆好后再堆起来。The hay was baled and piled.

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这个学生把书堆放在一起。The student piled his books.

整一摞的疯言疯语.It's madness piled upon madness.

现在他们都堆积在仓库里。Now they are piled in a warehouse.

大车上的稻草装得冒尖儿了。The cart is piled high with straw.

他的盘子里盛满了米饭。His plate was piled high with rice.

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农民把稻草堆在阁楼上。The farmer piled straw in the loft.

文件盘里有很多信。Letters were piled high in the tray.

他离开期间工作堆积起来了。Work has piled up during his absence.

货物堆积如山。Merchandise is piled up mountain-high.

孩子们闹哄哄地挤上了公共汽车。The children piled noisily into the bus.

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比赛之后人们对他大加赞扬。Praises were piled on him after the game.

瞧我桌上堆一堆的事。每日英语。There's a lot of work piled up on my desk.

他把门一打开,他们就挤了进去。He opened the doors and they all piled in.

他的妻子经常堆肮脏的东西在他身上。His wife often piled masty things upon him.

这就是堆山者胸有丘壑。This is the chest the piled mountain gully.

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不久,风把雪吹积成一堆一堆的。Soon the wind had piled the snow into drifts.

不久,风把雪吹积成一堆一堆的。Soon the wind had piled the snow into drifts.

我们在这里放了很多这样的广告,欣赏一下吧!We have piled some of such ads here, have fun!