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几个小时过去了,放射科医师说X光显示没有肺炎。Hours go by. The X-ray shows no pneumonia, says a radiologist.

你们的放疗师参与并提供了解释和检查。Your radiologist attends the fair to assist in interpreting these screening tests.

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一年前,一个荷兰放射学家得到了这台机器并重新启动了它。Then a year ago, a Dutch radiologist got his hands on the machine and dusted it off.

此外,要确保放射科医师调整放射剂量,以适应孩子的体重和个头。And make sure the radiologist is modifying the dose to meet the child's weight and size.

放射科医生会解释这些图像,并传送一份检查结果的书面报告给你的医生。A radiologist interprets the images and sends a written report of the findings to your doctor.

它作为一种手段,既加强放射效率,改善行政效率。It acts as a means of enhancing radiologist efficiency and improving administrative efficiency.

事件中的涉及的放射科医生已于2009年4月被停职。The radiologist involved last screened patients in December 2008 and has been suspended since April 2009.

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检查维斯胸片的放射科医师告诉她,他看到麻烦的东西了,且不确定那是什么。The radiologist who examined Weiss' films told her that he saw something worrisome and wasn't sure what it was.

我是一位放射科医生,我不喜欢经股方法,但对CTO患者我推荐使用经股通路。I am a radiologist and I do not like the transfemoral approach but for CTO I recommend the transfemoral approach.

这个过程的精确性部分取决于技巧的运用和放射科医生的经验与技巧。The accuracy of the procedure depends in part on the technique used and the experience and skill of the radiologist.

放射科医生或超声医师考试时手表此画面,捕捉图像存储的代表。The radiologist or sonographer watches this screen during an examination and captures representative images for storage.

事实并非如此。检查维斯胸片的放射科医师告诉她,他看到麻烦的东西了,且不确定那是什么。It wasn't. The radiologist who examined Weiss' films told her that he saw something worrisome and wasn't sure what it was.

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对于我们而言,很难单由影像检查去与其他原发性肾脏肿瘤做鑑别诊断。It is difficult for the radiologist to differentiate renal synovial sarcoma from other primary renal tumors by image studies.

我右边的一位放射线专家从桌上的酒堆里挑了一瓶龙舌兰,用一个干净的塑料杯倒了点。The radiologist on my right selected a bottle of mescal from the booze on the table and poured some into a clear plastic cup.

有些国家要求的远程放射学的初步报告,由医院工作人员的放射科医生发出的官方报告。Some states require the teleradiology report to be preliminary with the official report issued by a hospital staff radiologist.

放射疗法治疗通常由放射学家执行,他使用精致的防护服保护身体不需要放疗的各部分。Treatment usually is given by a radiologist who uses elaborate shielding to protect parts of the body not intended to be irradiated.

一年前,一名荷兰射线学家想到了这台射线机,在经过一番打整之后,这名科学家和他的同时用它检测了一具尸体的手。Then a year ago, a Dutch radiologist got his hands on the machine and dusted it off. He and colleagues tested it using a cadaver hand.

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基于超声检查结果,医生和放射科医生可能会建议你做活组织切片检查,从而对实性肿块做进一步评估诊断。Based on what they see on the ultrasound, your doctor and radiologist might recommend a biopsy to further evaluate a solid-appearing mass.

放射科医生将解释这些CT或MRI扫描图,以及时发现任何并发症,并确保所有的肿瘤组织已被摧毁。A radiologist will interpret these CT or MRI scans to detect any complications and to ensure that all of the tumor tissue has been destroyed.

这本说明得好的书将帮助一般,在计画,引导和解释成像过程中的肌与骨骼的放射学家研究。This well-illustrated book will assist the general and the musculoskeletal radiologist in planning, guiding and interpreting imaging studies.