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这间亭子具有古风。The pavilion has an antiquated appearance.

这是他那时代古老的高贵气派。This was the antiquated elegance of his day.

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日本陈旧的家庭法律引起事情纠纷。Japan's antiquated family law complicates matters.

正当快撑不住时,突然,他发现了一幢废弃的小屋。As he almost worn out, he found an antiquated cabin.

我在他的表面,用了很多装饰,以及镂雕,这使他给人古旧的感觉。I used the more ornate and engraved look for a more antiquated feel.

一些专家说他们是一个古旧制度的现代牺牲者。Some experts say they are modern-day victims of an antiquated system.

厨房现在黑洞洞的,角落里有只破旧的黑色炉子。The kitchen now is a dark cavern, with an antiquated black stove in a corner.

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外婆喜欢诚实的,没关系的。我觉得沙龙舞会有点过时了。Grandma loves honesty. it's okay. Well, cotillions just seem antiquated to me.

这就是这么多的抓地力的陈旧牵引力控制系统,以应付斗争。It's got so much grip that the antiquated traction control system struggles to cope.

在这样的背景下,美国人对孔子的描述也变得迂腐、荒谬。In such a context, Americans' description of Confucius became antiquated and ridiculous.

几个人将病人的褥垫从帆布床上抬起来,将它放进一辆老式的救护车。Several people lift the patient's mattress from his cot and slide it into the antiquated ambulance.

我愕然发现这竟是个军械库,里面存放着全系列的古老盔甲和武器。I was shocked to discover that it was an arsenal containing an array of antiquated armor and armament.

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它使古老的机械工业焕发青春,也对社会的发展产生着极为深刻的影响。It makes the antiquated mechanical industry bloom and has a profound effect on the social development.

且其曾风光一时的投票动员机制,与奥巴马的拉票机制相比起来,已经显得僵化过时。And its previously cutting-edge get-out-the-vote machine looks rusty and antiquated next to Mr Obama's.

在无数次战斗中,他们用陈旧的苏联双翼战斗机挑战现代化的日本零式战斗机。Vastly outnumbered, they challenged the modern Japanese "Zero" fighters with antiquated Russian bi-wings.

古香古色的特殊的艺术效果,突出古旧风格,使家居陈设更加典雅、高贵。Peculiar Guxianggu color art effect , outstanding antiquated style, make home display more elegant , elitist.

德国公司执行的这些大型项目大多用于升级希腊陈旧的基础设施。Most of the big-ticket projects executed by German companies helped upgrade Greece's antiquated infrastructure.

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但是就算全球气温一度也不上升,对古旧的空中交通管制系统进行现代化改造是也是应该的。But modernizing an antiquated air-traffic-control system makes sense even if the globe never warms another degree.

有一次他与妻子,还她的社交人群在一起,公爵比以往更加发觉自己家人的保守与遥远。Once with his wife and her cafe society world, the Duke found his own family more antiquated and distant than ever.

该国独立20年以来,虽然哈萨克语被列入义务教育并进入大学必修课目,但由于教育方法过时,学生缺乏动力等原因,教育效果不佳。Education specialists say factors hampering learning include antiquated methodology and a lack of student motivation.