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那些驾驶快艇的人决意要为英国赢得美国杯标锦标赛的冠军。The yachtsmen were hellbent on winning the America's Cup for Britain.

卢克·哈丁关于俄罗斯为何要坚定回归苏联模式的报道Luke Harding reports on why Russia seems hellbent on reverting to its Soviet past

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我们已经厌倦了战争,可是控制世界的那少部分人就想着摧毁世界。We are all sick of war but the few who control the world are hellbent on destroying it.

牛郎拼命的游,却忘了自己是旱鸭子,就在河道旁溺水了……Cowherd was hellbent for swim, but he forgot that he couldn't swim. He drowned in the riverside.

只有穆斯林占多数的克什米尔山谷和毗邻的部分查莫地区坚定的脱离。Only the Muslim-dominated Kashmir valley and adjacent parts of Jammu seem hellbent on secession.

背水战属于异能提示,代表某咒语或永久物在操控者没有手牌时会变得更强。Hellbent is an ability word that indicates that a spell or permanent is better if its controller has no cards in his or her hand.

如果某咒语或永久物的背水战异能为静止式异能,则会持续检查其操控者的手牌数量。If a hellbent ability of a spell or permanent is a static ability, the number of cards in its controller's hand is continually checked.

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温格一味的坚持说自己的球队已经被其他球队有组织的作为攻击目标,他们就是要给阿森纳搞点身体上的恐吓,法国人这样的言论可能是站不住脚的。The Frenchman arguably weakens his case by maintaining that Arsenal are systematically targeted by teams hellbent on physical intimidation.

如同你和我要获得巨大的利益一样,英国乐购,利德尔和消费合作社都坚决要把无价值蔬菜和有害水果的汁抽打出来。Tesco, Lidl and the Co-op are hellbent on flogging their valueless vegetables and their foul fruits to saps such as you and me for enormous profits.

大约有200名看起来铁了心要抢劫的死硬分子,同时有近似数量参与助长混乱的人是被事态的新奇所吸引。A hardcore of around 200 seemed hellbent on looting while a similar number were caught up in the novelty of the events as they encouraged the disorder.

在接下来的晚餐时间里,我尽我所能地让他和我一起吃法式炸薯条、一起喝红酒吃甜点,甚至讲粗口,让他做一些他似乎从来不允许自己做的事。The rest of the dinner, I was hellbent on getting him to eat French fries, drink wine, have dessert and say bad words. Things he never seemed to allow himself to do.

如果某咒语的背水战异能为自我替代式,亦即会改变该异能之效应者,则会在该咒语结算时检查其操控者的手牌数量。If a hellbent ability of a spell is a self-replacement that changes the effect of that spell, the number of cards in its controller's hand is checked as the spell resolves.

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如果某永久物的背水战异能为起动式异能,则会在该牌手试图使用该异能时检查其操控者的手牌数量。If a hellbent ability of a permanent is an activated ability, the number of cards in the permanent's controller's hand is checked when that player tries to play the ability.

伟大的建筑对于一个政权的力量及威望往往发挥着重要的作用。在过去十年里,中国中央政府致力于建设有影响力的城市建筑群。Great buildings have always played a role in a regime's strength and prestige, and for the last decade China's central government has been hellbent on constructing impressive city skylines.