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这个群魔堡垒真是一个奇迹。This Pandemonium Fortress is truly miraculous.

这消息一宣布,立即乱成一片。Pandemonium broke out when the news was announced.

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当我们到这,这是一片大混乱。You betcha! When we got in there, it was pandemonium.

我觉得艾德莱在一片大混乱中仍然镇定自若。I had found Adlai unperturbed in the midst of pandemonium.

看看弥尔顿对于地狱建筑师的描述。Look at Milton's description of the architect of Pandemonium.

因此,pandemonium的意思就是“一切恶魔的居所”。So he meant pandemonium to mean “the place of all the demons.”

当市场一开市,那里到处是一片混乱。And when the market opened up, there was plenty of pandemonium.

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接着第一声爆炸响起,肃静瞬间变成一片混乱。Then the first blast went off, and the grim quiet erupted into pandemonium.

目前尚无证据显示谷歌遭受的这次网络攻击与熊猫病毒事件有任何关联。There is no evidence thus far that the Google hack has any connection to the Panda's pandemonium.

随着救护车带走受伤的人,大学主楼外绝对乱成一团。There was utter pandemonium outside the university building as ambulances carted away the injured.

这个群魔堡垒是通往燃烧的地狱之门前面,由天堂所设立的最后防线。The Pandemonium Fortress is the last bastion of Heaven's power before the Gates of the Burning Hells.

我想要的是子宫般的安全与保护,命运便降生我于这尘嚣。What i want is womb-like security and protection, what destiny gives is throwing me onto the pandemonium.

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当吉尔伯特写两个不那么好的情人节礼物给他的同学,他的恶作剧很快变成混乱。When Gilbert writes two not-so-nice valentines to his classmates, his prank quickly turns into pandemonium.

但经过编辑们修剪之后,难怪詹斯金会说迎接猪流感的是“大混乱”。But after some editorial lopping it's no wonder Jenkins concludes that swine flu was greeted with "pandemonium".

我们都被镇住了,个个目瞪口呆。当市场一开市,那里到处是一片混乱。It was pretty eye popping. We were in a state of shock. And when the market opened up, there was plenty of pandemonium.

泰晤士广场挤满了喧闹的人们,当午夜的钟声响起,标志着旧的一年已经过去,人们沸腾了。The huge crowds in Times Square grew noisier as the old year ticked away, and when midnight struck there was pandemonium.

但是,只有当你肯定这种吸引力,这种欲罢不能,这种排山倒海式的热爱是真实的,那有什么理由不继续下去呢?But only if you know for sure that that magnetic, uncontainable, pandemonium was real love, is there a reason to keep going.

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很多人干脆选择直接付罚款,但当他们的飞机突然出现在机场的雷达屏幕上时,这种飞行就会引起一阵混乱。Many choose to simply pay the fine, but their flights can cause pandemonium when the planes crop up on airport radar screens.

保罗就撞上了一条河,苏珊娜是谋杀在浴缸里,一切都爆发的暴力混乱。Paul then crashes into a river, while Suzanne is murdered in the bathtub and everything erupts into a pandemonium of violence.

我们的世界每天都发生着各种各样的事情,我们的工作场所也发生了非同寻常的趣事。In midst of all the daily chaos that goes on in the world, a different type of pandemonium takes place every day in the workplace.