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仙台市的现状,就是整个日本的缩影。Sendai is a microcosm of what ails Japan.

你应该把这看做是宇宙的微缩标本。Think of it as a microcosm of the universe.

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小菜园是个人技巧的一个缩影。A veg patch is a microcosm of personal artifice.

是真实世界的缩影,也是精华和本质的东西。It's a microcosm. It is a distillation or quintessence.

组在一起,这些角色,形成人性的小宇宙。Together, these figures form a kind of microcosm of humanity.

大宇宙和小宇宙法则无限的第一法则。The Law Of Macrocosm and Microcosm is the first Law of infinity.

因为你的身体就像一个微观世界,反映着你对这个世界的感受。Because your body is a microcosm of how you feel about your life.

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从理论上讲,国会应该是美国的一个缩影。In theory, Congress is supposed to represent a microcosm of America.

这个地方很有意思,因为它像历史的一个缩影,The place is interesting because it's like a microcosm of the history,

他与亚克雷其实是当时社会总体外貌特征的缩影。He and Yake Lei is actually a microcosm of society in general appearance.

这部历史小说是走向崩溃的封建社会的缩影。This historical novel illustrates the breaking up of feudal society in microcosm.

世界杯就像人生的缩影,这里有悲欢离合、离合悲欢。World Cup is like a microcosm of life, there are ups and downs, joys and sorrows.

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我们制作的每一个Artstyle女包既是一件艺术品,更是中国女性生活的缩影。We make every Artstyle woman is an art package, it is a microcosm of life of Chinese women.

庄子和休谟认识论之差异,也是中西哲学差异的一个缩影。Zhuangzi and Hume"s epistemology difference is a microcosm of china and Western Philosophy."

在这一点上,你是我——一切神性、神圣万物、一切总和及实质——的一个微缩。In this, you are a microcosm of Me—the Divine All, the Holy Everything the Sum and the Substance.

欧陆大酒店开张于1875年,它本身的历史就似俄罗斯历史的一个缩影。The Grand Hotel Europe has been open since 1875, its own history a microcosm of Russia's history.

宏观宇宙和微观宇宙都得到重建,无论是天球或是分子和晶体都开始显形。Macrocosm and microcosm are recreated, both the celestial sphere and molecular and crystalline forms.

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中集集团可谓中国出口行业的缩影,这一行业正面临着数十年来最大的发展障碍。CIMC is a microcosm of China's export industry, which is facing some of its biggest hurdles in decades.

中国山东省东部的沃野状况未必就是国民经济的一个缩影。The fertile fields of Shandong Province in eastern China are an unlikely microcosm of the national economy.

如今这里已经变得人声鼎沸,收纳了超过八百名的87步兵团1营的士兵。Now it was a microcosm of the surge itself,growing rapidly to accommodate nearly 800 soldiers from the 1-87.