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东京塔。Tokyo Tower.

镇公所的塔。Town Hall Tower.

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象牙塔资产。Ivory tower assets.

和铁塔来张远景合照吧。Far view with tower.

最高的有九层,像一个塔。Looking like a tower.

夜晚的琉森水塔。Night tower in Lucerne.

我在地王大厦工作。I'm at the Diwang tower.

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塔高五十英尺。The tower rises 80 feet.

欢迎您光临龙塔。Welcome to dragon tower.

你将会看到塔桥。You'll see Tower Bridge.

次登埃菲尔塔塔顶。Eiffel Tower many a time.

看,那烟囱,像座塔一样!That chimney! Like a tower.

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你看到大雁塔了吗?。Did you see the Dayan Tower?

嗨,原来是钟鼓楼啊。Oh, the Bell and Drum Tower.

那是我搭的。That's a tower that I built.

吉塔哈塔博士说。Lucky Taha tower doctor said.

这座塔起始于1173年。The tower dates back to 1173.

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这座旅游塔高三百三十八米。The tower is 338 meters high.

你可以去广州塔看看。You can see the Canton Tower.

我在电影里见过那座塔。I saw that tower in the movie.