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布什主义能走多远?Can the Bush doctrine last?

他们否认他的学说的权威性。They disowned his doctrine.

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三位一体教义。The Doctrine of the Trinity.

他关于基督的教义是什么?What is his doctrine of Christ?

这就是信仰、主义的力量所在。This is faith, doctrine of power.

其中一种方法就是藉著错谬的教义。One way is through false doctrine.

而是天主教教义。It's part of Roman Catholic doctrine.

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很好,意思就是关于耶稣的任何教义。Very good,it means any doctrine of Jesus.

二元论则是一种截然不同的假说Now, dualism is a very different doctrine.

他对教义的解释一改旧貌。He preached a doctrine which was new to him.

赫西奥德说这是错误的信条Hesiod says that this is the wrong doctrine.

又着力宣传佛理,阐述对佛教教义的解悟。He explained the Buddhist theory of doctrine.

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这是唯名主义学派的学说。This is the doctrine of the nominalist party.

万物有灵论是学说或理论的灵魂。Animism is the doctrine or theory of the soul.

这一派的学说不久也流于空谈无实。This doctrine soon send empty talk without it.

列宁主义学说发展了马克思主义。The doctrine of Leninism has developed Marxism.

这就是因信称义的教义。This is the doctrine of Justification by Faith.

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一个反律法主义教条的信徒。Of or relating to the doctrine of antinomianism.

但是即使有些讽刺意味,在反垄断主义中也是没有用武之地的。Still, irony has no place in antitrust doctrine.

“门罗主义”成为美国外交政策的基石。"Monroe Doctrine"has become the cornerstone of U.