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他发信号叫我们停下。He signalled to us to stop.

我们招呼他把车开过来。We signalled him to pull over.

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午夜的钟响表示新的一年来了。The stroke of midnight signalled the New year.

她给信号后把车开进了慢车道…She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane.

科赫兄弟选择菲利普斯无疑昭示了他们更进一步的执着。The Kochs’ choice of Phillips signalled an even greater toughness.

下面的示例演示如何重新启动进程或向它们发信号。The example below shows how processes can be restarted or signalled.

她招手打了一辆路过的出租车,让司机载她去马伦戈街。She signalled a passing taxi and ordered him to take her to the rue Marengo.

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亨特利号浮上水面,发出成功信号,但从此再无音信。The Huntley surfaced, signalled her success, and was never heard from again.

理念变化的第二点是由花旗从策略出发点政策。The second shift in thinking signalled by Citi's manoeuvres concerns policy.

但几名资深的内阁部长认为英军应更早撤离。But senior Cabinet ministers signalled British forces could leave even earlier.

丽莉完全明白自己现在已变成一名被丢在荒岛上徒然向驶去的帆船呼救的遗弃者了。Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails.

女孩先注意到范老师在看,示意男孩停下来。The girl noticed Teacher Fei’s attention first and signalled to her boyfriend to stop.

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处于对伊朗的犹豫不决的愤怒,俄罗斯显露出它的耐心已所剩无几。Angered by Iran's shilly -shallying, Russia had signalled its patience was all but gone.

他见自己无法带球向前跑,便举手示意“合法接球”。He saw that he would not be able to run with the ball, so he signalled for a fair catch.

医生用手示意屋内的其他人退到一边,并向我打手势要我走向前。Motioning aside the other people in the room, the doctor signalled to me to come forward.

乔用他的敏锐的目力看到空中有成群的猛禽在翱翔。Joe, with his long sight, signalled several flocks of birds of grey hovering on the horizon.

三声锣声宣示金日成的儿子和孙子的即将到来。The sound of three bangs on a gong signalled the impending arrival of Kim’s son and grandson.

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除了那些已经表示他们想闹事的意图,其他工会也会参与进来。Besides those who have already signalled their intent to make trouble, other unions could join in.

他们示意我们停下来,其中一个戴着太阳眼镜的人要我们出示身份证件。They signalled for us to stop and one of them, donning a pair of sunglasses, asked us for ID cards.

到达戈壁滩的先兆是车厢里的尘土越来越大,“戈壁,戈壁!”It was the increasing levels of dust in the carriage that first signalled the Gobi was upon us. 'Gobi!