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免费下载飞溅建兴,享受!Download free Splash Lite now and enjoy!

游戏是建兴射击战略游戏。The game is a lite shooting-strategy game.

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该软件的简单版目前是免费的。The Lite version is currently free from the AppStore.

该软件的精简版是完全免费的。The lite version of the tool is completely free of cost.

长度方向翘曲-当玻璃片的表面偏离水平表面情况时的缺陷。A condition in which a lite of flat glass departs from a true plane.

寻求“低盐的”版本,剥夺您的项目不需要的特性。Ask for "lite" versions, stripped of features your project doesn't need.

在Talysurf工商会Lite是一个先进的测量干涉仪型。The Talysurf CCI Lite is an advanced type of measurement interferometer.

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这是一个安装程序,这将有助于您下载象棋建兴到您的手机。This is an installer that will help you to download Chess Lite to your phone.

换句话说,把仪器放在薄玻璃有反光镀膜的那面。In other words, place the gauge on the lite of glass that has the reflective coating.

愤怒的小鸟精简版,内容有限制但免费,已经被下载超过11百万次。The more limited free version, Angry Birds lite has been downloaded 11 million times.

我离比赛那么近,可在感情上却与周围观看的人离得那么远。I am so near to the games yet so far away emotionally from those watching around lite.

北京丽特木业有限公司成立于上世纪末,占地16000平方米。Beijing Lite wooden door factory was founded in the late of last century with 16000 m2.

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周一在一份声明中,该航空公司说,现在是所有航班上提供“建兴票价”。In a statement Monday, the airline said it was now offering "Lite Fares" on all flights.

修剪二克脂肪百分之服务利用脂肪的免费牛奶和冷静的鞭建兴掀起了平顶。Trim 2 grams of fat per serving by using fat-free milk and COOL WHIP LITE Whipped Topping.

我们已经实现了进入一流强队行列的目标,队员们享受了比赛的每一分钟。We have achieved our goal of reaching the ?lite and the players have enjoyed every minute.

若要改变显示型式,则要把仪器放到中空玻璃上,然后执行一个完整的读取设定。To change the display format, place the meter against a dual lite assembly and take a full set of readings.

尽管有瑕疵,但这样的"精简版重组"或是当前政治上唯一能被接受的路线.Despite its flaws, this "restructuring lite" path may be the only one that is politically acceptable for now.

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Flash的淡化,意味着更多的设计师和开发者将会带着几分神似的手机走上车船。Flash Lite means that more designers and developers will get on board with mobile with something which is familiar.

任何一个有效的转介梦用户390订阅建兴将升级为12个月之梦星650。Any valid referral of a subscriber with Dream Lite 390 subscription will be upgraded to Dream Star 650 for 12 months.

大赛、建兴三个乡范围内,主峰黄茅尖海拔一千九百二十一公尺,是江苏、浙江第一高峰。Competition, the three rural Lite range contortus sharp peak 1921 meters above sea level, is of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, the first peak.