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这个矿储量丰富。This ore prospects well.

这种矿石被验明含金量高。This ore assays high in gold.

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这种矿石验明含银量很高。The ore assays high in silver.

这种矿石验明含银量很高。The ore assays high in silver.

这矿石经检验证明含金量很高。The ore _assays__ high in gold.

他们采掘矿物。They dug against a lump of ore.

它矿产资源丰富It had tremendous riches in ore.

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这种矿石经分析证明含金百分之七十五。The ore assay 75 percent of gold.

唯一的矿石矿物为晶质铀矿。Uraninite is the only ore mineral.

煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.

闪锌矿为主要的矿石矿物。Sphalerite is the main ore minerals.

他们正在从矿砂中提取金属。They are abstracting metal from ore.

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锰矿怎样才能快速的除铁呢?How can fast except manganese ore iron?

来自天柱山的矿石标本。Specimen of rock and ore from Mt. Tienchu.

他们自1958年起采矿至今。They have been mining ore here since 1958.

膨润土矿尚属本省缺门矿种。Bentonite ore is a lack mineral in Guizhou.

然而他们中只有少数几个确实挖了矿。But few of them had actually dug up any ore.

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先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone.

这里的铁矿储藏量很丰富。The place here is rich in iron ore reserves.

中国拟投巨资海外开采铁矿石打破三巨头垄断。China to pour more cash into overseas iron ore.