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可植入的智能芯片抗慢性疾病Implantable Smart Chip Fights Chronic Pain

再者,植入式生医装置可非常广泛地被应用。Moreover, implantable bio-medical devices may be extensively applied.

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必须是手术后还留在病人体内的医疗器械才叫做植入性医疗器械。Thus an implantable device must remain in the patient after the procedure.

置入式生物人工肾模型二级系统示意图。A model of the implantable bioartificial kidney shows the two-stage system.

目的对植入式颈动脉压迫训练的效果进行研究。Objective To evaluate the effect of the implantable CA occluded training method.

这家新公司正在开发一项专利,通过向人体植入医疗装置来治疗胃酸倒流。The company is developing a proprietary implantable medical device to treat acid reflux.

介绍一种可植入的葡萄糖传感器阵列的设计和计算机模拟优化。In this paper, the model of an implantable enzyme-based glucose sensor array is presented.

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锂碘电池成为植入设备的最多的能源选择。The Li-I 2 battery has become the dominant battery choice for powering implantable pacemakers.

另外,在癫痫发作时,病人和家属可以能够用体外的设备进行心电图记录。Electrocardiograms can be monitored by use of an implantable loop recorder for up to 18 months.

定义一个医疗器械是否是植入性器械的关键是“过程”的概念。One of the key elements in defining what is an implantable device is the concept of "procedure".

认为发展小型、可植入、便携并耐久运行的心脏泵是其发展趋势。It is suggested that a good blood pump should be miniature, implantable , portable and long-lasting.

它是一个完全植入式人工心脏,它是在七八年前发明It's a fully implantable artificial heart, and it was introduced about seven or eight years ago now.

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研究的下一步就是把传统心脏起搏器和脉冲发生器整合到一起,作为一个整体植入到人体之中。The next step is to combine the conventional pacemaker and pulse generator into one, implantable unit.

目的探讨对不能切除的肝癌患者术中应用埋植式药泵治疗的临床意义。Objective To investigate the efficacy of implantable infusion pump in the treatment of un resectable liver cancer.

世界上已经有科研机构展示了可以植入猴子脑内的此类芯片。Research groups around the world have demonstrated these sorts of implantable chips in the brains of monkeys, he said.

胺碘酮还可作为埋藏式复律除颤器的辅助治疗,用来减少电击次数。Amiodarone may be effective as an adjunct to implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy to reduce number of shocks.

综合分析和考察了消费者的心理过程、植入式广告的心理作用机制。Comprehensive analysised the psychological processes of consumers and the advertising implantable psychological mechanism.

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经皮能量无接点传输是当今比较热门的话题,是植入电子系统能量供给的新型方式。Transcutaneous energy transmission is a popular topic today and it is a novel type of power supply for implantable device.

每名患者都曾有一次心肌梗死发作,需要植入式心脏除颤仪来纠正心律失常。Each had had a heart attack and required an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to correct problems with their heartbeat.

肌苷通过应用植入的渗透泵和联合应用OFS在豚鼠皮下释放28天。Inosine was deliered subcutaneously in guinea pigs for 28 days using implantable "osmotic pumps"-alone or in combination with OFS.