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你是一个魔法师并且小有心灵感应术。You are an Illusionist and somewhat telepathic.

潘吉利特,潘&泰勒队的迷妄论者。Penn Jillette illusionist of the team Penn & Teller.

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心理幻术师杰兹罗斯热衷于操控人的心智。Psychological illusionist Jes Rose is into mind control.

有时候,他把他自己变成魔术师,对我变戏法。Sometimes, he made himself an illusionist and played tricks on me.

影片讲述了一个伟大的魔术师在年轻的时候与一个女孩双双坠入爱河。It tells a very skillful illusionist who fell in love with a girl when they were young.

但在最近一次大胆的新行动中,生于布拉福德的魔术师迪纳摩将他令人印象深刻的技巧发挥到了一个新的高度。But in an daring new act, Bradford-born Illusionist Dynamo took his impressive skills to even greater heights.

但在最近一次大胆的新行动中,生于布拉福德的魔术师迪纳摩将他令人印象深刻的技巧发挥到了一个新的高度。Butt in an daring new act, Bradford-born Illusionist Dynamo took his impressive skills to even greater heights.

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一批知名人士构成中的传奇魔术师哈里胡迪尼在好莱坞明星面前星光大道。A group of celebrities pose in front of the star for legendary illusionist Harry Houdini on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

他饥饿,虚弱而且情绪很激动,但这个喜欢出风头的魔术师仍然有力量坚强地面对媒体的摄像机和自己的崇拜者们。Starving, weak and emotional, but the publicity-loving illusionist still strong enough to face the cameras and his fans.

在大卫·布莱恩出道成为魔术大师之前,大卫·科波菲尔就以他那富有传奇色彩的戏法令观众惊奇不已了。Before David Blaine was the biggest illusionist on the block, David Copperfield amazed audiences with his larger-than-life tricks.

美国魔术师大卫•布莱恩终于从他的塑料箱中走了出来,结束了他在泰晤士河上进行的历时44天的抗饥饿表演。The American illusionist David Blaine has emerged from his plastic box, ending his 44-day starvation stunt above the river Thames.

每当鱆人幻术师成为咒语或异能的目标时,将你牌库顶的三张牌置入你的坟墓场。Whenever Cephalid Illusionist becomes the target of a spell or ability, put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard.

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在2010年初,作为一位才华横溢的魔术师,Dean在一块巨型的冰块中待了66个小时,成功地打破了Blaine在2000年时63小时的记录。In early 2010, Dean first emerged as a talented illusionist when he spent 66 hours entombed in a block of ice, topping Blaine's 63 hours which he achieved in 2000.

魔术师应一位热情的崇拜者的邀请来到这个偏远的小镇,崇拜者是个苏格兰人,穿着卖弄风情的短裙。The illusionist has come to the dramatically, moodily hued island village, at the invitation of an enthusiastic admirer, a Scot with a deep thirst and a flirty kilt.

世界顶级魔术师大卫·科波菲尔今年再次访问中国,再次用他举世喝彩的技艺挑战中国观众的接受力并拓展他们的想象力。The world's leading illusionist David Copperfield toured China again this year, defying people's beliefs and stretching their imaginations with his world-acclaimed skills.