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那是贝利先生吗?Was that Mr. Bailey?

你叫贝利医生和谢弗德医生了吗?。You paged Dr. Bailey and Cr. Shepherd?

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贝利先生从躲藏的地方出来了。Mr. Bailey came out of his hiding spot.

是谁让老贝勒变作了选美评判员的?Who made the old bailey a judge of beauty?

这种机器叫贝雷门式起重机。This machine is called Bailey gantry crane.

贝利先生说,“你看见麦丽金夫人了吗?”Mr. Bailey said. “Have you seen Mrs. McKinley?”

爱是双向的,付出才有回报。----乔布贝利。Those who give love, gather love. ----Joanny Bailey.

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1881年的今天,「巴纳姆贝利马戏团」于焉诞生。Today in 1881, the Barnum and Bailey Circus was created.

最甜美的欢乐,最强烈的心痛才是爱。Sweetest joy , the wildest woe is love. ----philip bailey.

帕梅拉.贝利说,这项新资金是走向安全方向的一步。Pamela Bailey says the new fund is a step in that direction.

茱莉亚一下子记起了贝利先生念的通告。Julia said, remembering the announcement Mr. Bailey had said.

雷夫.迪安.贝利在联合卫理公会教堂的后排座位上。Rev. Dean Bailey in the back pew of Alto United Methodist Church.

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贝利先生正在找麦丽金夫人,也正在为此事而挠头。Mr. Bailey was searching for Mrs. McKinley and scratching his head.

如果贝利和祖克的推断是正确的话,这可能只是冰山的一角。If Bailey and Zuk are correct, this could be the tip of the iceberg.

贝利在差不多20年以前就发现了这种现象。Pharmacologist David Bailey made that discovery almost 20 years ago.

对士官柏利的嘉奖提升了潜艇官兵的士气而受到欢迎。The award for PO Bailey came as a welcome morale boost for the crew.

你知道的,白利部长,我也有一个故事,比你的简单很多。You see, I have a story also, Mr. Bailey. little simpler than yours.

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憨大来了一通让人捧腹绝倒的演说,请大家给小贝利敬酒。Gander , in a convulsing speech, gives them the health of Bailey junior.

这个观点得到来自德州的共和党籍参议员哈奇森的呼应。That view was echoed by Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas.

贝利先生问,接着他意识到麦丽金夫人可能在里面。Mr. Bailey asked, then he realized that Mrs. McKinley was probably inside.