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汽车蜡?Car wax?

那是我的车。That'smy car.

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一列客厅车。A parlour car.

车门飞了。Car doors fly.

卧槽是我的车。It was my car.

有辆大轿车?Have a big car?

我喜欢这车。I like the car.

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这是我的车。There's my car.

我喜欢“荣威”小轿车。I like this car.

我的车备好了吗?Is my car ready?

我的车好吵!My car is noisy.

汽车在1885年被发明。The car in 1885.

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我们可以共乘一辆车啊。We can car pool.

汽车有灯。A car has lights.

一种新型车用取暖器。A new car heater.

车出问题了,啊?Car trouble, huh?

我坐汽车回家。I go home by car.

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我们的车开进去了。Our car drove in.

车来晚了。The car was late.