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同性恋婚姻合法化的斗争The fight for same-sex marriage legalization

足球博彩合法化?好事还是坏事?。Legalization of football betting ? a boon or a bane?

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而对违禁品的合法化能减轻甚至消除这些负担。Legalization reduces or eliminates all of these burdens.

随后,原告到公证处办理了公证手续。Subsequently, the plaintiffs to legalization Department of legalization.

作为一种民主化、法治化的程序,必须具有一定的公开性。As a democracy and legalization procedure, there should be some openness.

诚实信用原则是民事诉讼中道德原则的法律化。Faith principle is the legalization of moral principle in civil procedure.

葛兰西的文化领导权蕴涵着从“霸权”到“合法化”的理论旨趣。The culture hegemony theory embodies the purport from hegemony to legalization.

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娜迪娅的经历不能单纯支持合法化辩论的任何一方。Nadia's story doesn't easily lend itself to either side of the legalization debate.

成瘾性药物的合法化,绝不会强逼人们吸毒成性。The legalization of addictive drugs would in no way force individuals into the habit.

我相信,将毒品,尤其是大麻合法化是人们所希望的。I believe that the legalization of drugs, in particular marijuana, would be desirable.

他声言支持娼妓合法化,定会遭人抨击。He went out on a limb when he declared his support for the legalization of prostitution.

政府文化管理行为法治化是一个新课题,也是一个必然趋势。The government culture administration legalization is a new task, and also an inevitable trend.

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至于装运从海湾合作委员会的国家或阿拉伯法定的城市起运,鉴定书不需要出具。For shipment from GCC countries or Arab country Legalization and authentication is not required.

毋庸置疑,民主化和法制化是中国走向现代化的终极目标。Undoubtedly, the ultimate goal of the Chinese modernization is democratization and legalization.

据英国广播公司报道,墨西哥前总统比森特·福克斯日前呼吁墨西哥实行毒品合法化。Former Mexican president Vicente Fox has called for the legalization of drugs, BBC News reported.

我国的死刑案件审判程序正当化方面存在着诸多缺陷。However, there are many flaws in the trial procedure legalization of the death penalty in our country.

行政执法程序的法治化是依法行政的最主要内容之一。The legalization of administrative procedure is one of major points for administration according to law.

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作为一个保守人士,她反对同性婚姻,堕胎和避孕药的合法化。A social conservative, she opposes gay marriage, abortion and the legalization of the morning-after pill.

人格权的法定化是人格权法独立成编的逻辑前提。Legalization of personality right is the premise of personality right law as a separate part of civil code.

毋庸置疑,民主化和法制化是中国走向现代化的终极目标。There is no doubt that democratization and legalization is finial goals of the China's modernization drive.