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斯滕格斯是一个渴望的男人。Jock Sturges is a hungry man.

约克把桶里的水倒出来。Jock tipped the water out of his bucket.

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杰克在整个赛季一直被伤痛所折磨。Jock had been dogged by injury all season.

我这是活该,竟然独自去参加这种士兵聚会。That's what I get, going to a jock party alone.

我爱我的男友,但是他却是个块头大又四肢发达的傢伙。I love my boyfriend, but he's just a big, dumb jock.

大多数工作日她都很晚才坐着运动员巴士回到家。Most weekdays she came home very late on the jock bus.

斯滕格斯的摄影所拥有的就是一种易碎的均衡。The photographs by Jock Sturges possess a fragile equilibrium.

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开始画漫画约克与莱特曼外套开始。Start drawing a cartoon jock beginning with the letterman jacket.

在斯伯斯坦医生的办公室,帕蒂像个好运动员那样接受了检查。In Dr. Sipperstein’s office she submitted to examination like a good jock.

当引发你股癣的真菌感染你的双脚时,你就会得脚气。When the fungus that causes jock itch targets the feet, you have athlete’s foot.

乔克为了制造效果停下来又喝了口酒,他的眼睛在酒杯上方光芒闪烁。Jock paused for effect, his eyes glinting over his glass as he took another drink.

崔斯坦是学校里最耀眼的体育运动员,他在女孩子中很受欢迎。Tristan is the biggest jock in school. He's also the most popular guy among girls.

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这位68岁的电台主持人在他的早间广播秀里宣布了这个让人惊讶的消息。The 68-year-old shock jock made this surprise announcement on his morning radio show.

记得,如果你同时患有股癣和脚气,一定要同时治疗两种癣症。If you have both jock itch and athlete’s foot, be sure to treat them at the same time.

在二零零一年,一位名叫乔克-布兰迪斯的加拿大投资者为马里的一个村庄设计出了一种手动的花生去壳器。In two thousand one, a Canadian inventor Jock Brandis designed a hand-powered peanut sheller for a village in Mali.

2001年,加拿大的发明家约克•布兰迪斯为马里的一个村庄设计了一款手动的花生脱壳器。In two thousand one, a Canadian inventor, Jock Brandis, designed a hand-powered peanut sheller for a village in Mali.

当酷酷的大学运动员和热辣的女友坐他的爱车失事后,特别是这人有些自以为是,那么幸灾乐祸的想法是很自然会产生的。It is easy to gloat when the cool jock with the hot girlfriend wrecks his sweet car, especially if he seems kind of smug.

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了解如何在这个自由绘制图纸视频课程设有一个专业的卡通漫画的卡通画家约克装备。Learn how to draw a cartoon jock outfit in this free cartoon drawing video lesson featuring a professional cartoon artist.

劳拉说服了空乔克斯图尔特酒的一些眼镜,一个流鼻涕的“暴发户暴发户”在一间酒吧在爱尔兰的某个地方。Lara got persuaded to empty some glasses of wine with Jock Stewart, a snotty "nouveau-riche" in a pub somewhere in Ireland.

没人害怕帕蒂,尽管高中和大学时期她曾经是出色的运动员,有着运动员那股子无所畏惧的劲头。Patty frightened nobody, but she’d been a standout athlete in high school and college and possessed a jock sort of fearlessness.