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我都不知道我有啥魅力。I didnt know I had charm.

你有没有幸运符咒?Do you have a lucky charm?

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这种魅力是无法抵御的。The charm is irresistible.

魅力是一种危险的武器。Charm is a dangerous weapon.

这条裙子使她增添了魅力。The skirt lends charm to her.

第3种药是一个幸运符。The third drug was the charm.

她有沉鱼落雁的魅力!She has an irresistible charm.

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玛丽比明迪更有魅力。Mary has more charm than Mindy.

它充满了魅力和缺陷美。it has charm and imperfections.

着木剑桃符。Wear wood sword peachwood charm.

有些人拜倒在她的石榴裙下。A few men succumbed to her charm.

这就是王朔独有的气势。This is the unique charm of Wang.

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她的魅力使观众着了迷。Her charm bedazzled the audiences.

她的魅力存在于她的活泼。Her charm resides in her vivacity.

愿你永保青春魅力。May you keep loveliness and charm.

她的魅力使我看不见她的过失。Her charm blinded me to her faults.

他再也抗拒不住她的魅力。He could resist her charm no longer.

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这件饰品能避邪。The charm can ward off evil spirits.

你喜欢用姿色影响别人。You're fond of turning on your charm.

有些人用汉水和魅力来赚钱。Some folks do it with sweat and charm.