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要把握时机。Take time by the forelock.

现在正是时候。Take time by the forelock.

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趁热打铁。抓住时机。Seize time by the forelock.

开口销是乌鸦的黑色。The forelock is raven-black.

要把握时机。Take time along the forelock.

你必须抓紧时间,现在就去做。You must take time by the forelock and do it now.

你必须抓紧时间,最好现在就去。You must take time by the forelock and do it now.

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一刻也不要耽误,抓住时机立刻行动。Don't waste a moment. Take time by the forelock and do it now.

我得抓住机会去学习英语和其他至少一门语言。I'll take time by the forelock to study English and another foreign language at least.

她很快就要到美国去了,因此如果你想问她询问什么就必须抓紧时间。She will leave for the United States soon, so if you want to ask her anything you must take time by the forelock.

了解有关如何刷刷牙马的鬃毛的开口销,并在这个自由马术视频剪辑马的鬃毛。Learn how to brush the forelock and the mane of a horse in this free equestrian video clip about brushing the mane of a horse.

他们蹄小和极强,很少或没有羽化,和稀疏的鬃毛和尾巴,往往没有开口销。Their hooves are small and extremely strong, with little or no feathering, and a sparse mane and tail, often with no forelock.