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我们不能。We cannot.

没有,我不能出远门。No, I cannot.

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我停不下来I cannot stop.

我不能瞎说。I cannot tell.

他不能动弹。He cannot move.

你不能这么写。You cannot write.

我关不上它。I cannot close it.

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我不记得了。I cannot remember.

依然不能离去。And still cannot go.

我们不能接受。We cannot accept it.

不能改变到根目录。Cannot CHDIR to root.

我不能跟你走。I cannot go with you.

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我再也睡不着了。I cannot sleep again.

所以我们不能这样。So we cannot do that.

你们无法战胜我们。You cannot defeat us.

你不可能两者兼有。You cannot have both.

他不能被饶恕。He cannot be forgiven.

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爱情不能强求。Love cannot be forced.

她唱不到这样低的调门。She cannot get so low.

我打不到曲球。I cannot hit curveball.