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你令我印象深刻。You really impress me.

如果你想要我过目难忘。If you wanna impress me.

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增白效果没话说。Whitening effect to impress.

她没给我留下丝毫印象。She did not impress me at all.

你的骁勇令孩子留下深刻印象。Impress a child with your bravery.

这本书没有给我印何印象。The book did not impress me at all.

将这些细节深深地刻印在你的记忆里。Impress them strongly on your memory.

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你温柔了我的岁月,冷艳了我的时光。You gently my years, impress me time.

而且我还想给朱晓贝留个好印象。I also have an impulse to impress Xiaobei.

他喜欢在他的同事面前摆阔气。But he liked to impress his fellow workers.

“那谁是你想留下深刻印象的呢?”她问。“Who are you trying to impress?” she asked.

这些广告总是能够很容易的就给观众留下很深刻的阴线。These ads can always easily impress viewers.

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不要花力气让他们对你印象深刻。花力气感动他们。Don't try to impress them. Try to touch them.

陈超得到了初次出镜时机,扮演出彩。Got a mirror first Chen time, play to impress.

那只是个用来讨他女朋友欢心的玩笑。It was all a put-on to impress his girlfriend.

所有那些低三下四的话并没有打动他。All that bowing and scraping did not impress him.

如何在10秒钟内打动面试官?How to impress the interviewer within 10 seconds?

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请把图案印在书的封面上。Please impress patterns on the cover of the book.

为了给女方留下一个好印象,男方会同意女方的选择。Guy wants to impress the girl, agrees to her pick.

他们试图在桌布上印一个图样。They tried to impress a design on the table-cloth.