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我们没有暗示什么。We're not insinuating anything.

你绕来绕去是否暗指我在撒谎?Are you insinuating that I am a liar?

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你在暗示是我偷了安迪的收音机吗?Are you insinuating that I am the one who stole Andy’s radio?

在他最阴险和最意味深长的某些时候,我会想起马龙·白兰度。At times, I was reminded of Marlon Brando at his most feline and insinuating.

他们经常感到同事们在暗示他们有问题。They often felt their co-workers were insinuating that something was wrong with them.

他那油腻的,暗暗巴结的腔调,那油滑的笑,那可怕的自负,折磨着我的神经。His oily, insinuating tones, his greasy smile, and his monstrous self-conceit grated on my nerves.

不知道意大利球员马特拉斯对施丹说了些什麽,但是相信是一些挑衅性的说话。I don't know what the Italian player Materazzi said to Zidane but I believe it was something insinuating.

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我看起来没受到你在这的暗示。最初的游戏是口袋妖怪红和口袋妖怪绿。I seem to be missing what you are insinuating here. The original games were Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green.

西方媒体又一次暗示中国将像埃及和突尼斯一样秩序。Again the western media is insinuating that China will have the same chaotic situation like Egypt and Tunisia.

当然对于你的喝醉了的照片等,为了掩盖或道歉,比起合法的改变你的名字外,还有更好,更宛转的方法。Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name.

在裁判判罚倾向湖人之后,掘金仍然没有告诫史密斯停止他的语言攻击。“以5敌8很困难。”他说道。That didn't stop Smith from insinuating afterward that the referees have favored the Lakers. "It's tough going 5-on-8, " he said.

当然对于你的喝醉了的照片等,为了掩盖或道歉,比起合法的改变你的名字外,还有更好,更宛转的方法。S. troop positions in the other. Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name.

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萨沙,在他暗示可能跑去海外打球之后实在不该给他涨工资,何况这赛季的的投篮实在是糟透了。Sasha, after insinuating he might bolt overseas should he not get a salary boost, has put on a pretty abysmal display of perimeter shooting this entire season.

有人送礼物时,孩子不能表示出负面的评价或者暗示不喜欢礼物而使他人难堪。When someone gives something to your child, she should never insult that person by making negative comments about the gift or by insinuating that it isn't appreciated.

联想的美国竞争对手在国会煽动反华情绪,含沙射影地暗示联想可能会在出售给美国政府的电脑中安装间谍软件。Lenovo's American competitors fanned anti-Chinese flames in Congress, insinuating that Lenovo could insert spyware into the computers it was selling to the U.S. government.

看起来NASA已经放出了试探性的气球,暗示了智利地震强度如此大,它本身就引起了一波更大更频密的地震。It seems that NASA is already floating a trial balloon insinuating that the Chile quake was so large that it will, by itself, begin a wave of larger and more frequent quakes.

莱恩称,公司不会卖掉这个部门,言下之意就是,如果剥离不可避免,惠普可能会将这一集团变为部分持股,独立运营的公司。Lane has said the company would not sell it off, insinuating that if a spin-off were to happen, HP might turn the group into a partially owned, independently operated company.