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我们正在污染空气。We are polluting the air.

我们正在污染水资源。We are polluting the water.

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连丢进太阳系都嫌你不够环保。You're polluting the entire solar system.

我们的试验并不沾污大气层。Our tests are not polluting the atmosphere.

避免激光管的输出窗口被污染。Avoids the laser tube the output window polluting.

溢油污染是从南极旅游船。Oil spills from tourist boats are polluting Antarctica.

你们不假思索任意破坏和污染她的身体。You are trashing and polluting Her body without any thought.

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世界上污染最严重的电厂之一是在维多利亚。One of the world’s most polluting power plants is in Victoria.

我赞成你的观点,我们得采取一些措施来制止污染。Yes, it certainly is. If people don't stop polluting the seas.

带污染性的废水经过水管流入大海。The polluting waste water flows into the sea through the pipes.

进入饱水带污染地下水。Entering the saturated water zone and polluting the groundwater.

以色列人必须根除偶像崇拜,它们会污染这片土地。The Israelites have to eradicate that, they're polluting the land.

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短隧道只会针对解决34条污染流中的19条。A shorter tunnel would tackle only 19 of the 34 polluting overflows.

然而,垃圾只是我们这个星球的污染问题的一个方面。Rubbish,however,is only part of the problem of polluting our planet.

牛粪、过钙是基质中主要镉污染物质。Cattle manure and calcium superphosphate were main polluting material.

然而,垃圾只是我们这个星球污染问题的一个方面。Rubbish, however, is only part of the problem of polluting our planet.

旅游是产生非污染生态影响的一个重要方面。Tourism is one of the main causes of non- polluting ecological impact.

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使用无油真空泵,避免污染环境的生产。Use no oil vacuum pump, avoid polluting the environment in the production.

将重污染工业企业的外迁,能保护本土的空气和水源远离污染。And outsourcing of polluting industries has given them cleaner air and water.

某些泡沫,像全氟辛烷磺酸盐,是有效的,但是是高污染的。Some foams, like Perfluorooctane sulfonate, are effective but highly polluting.