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他打败了哈德斯手下的怪物,将挪威海怪变成了石头。He defeats Hades' creatures and turns Kraken to stone.

Kraken还会制作其他作品,并有计划地生产吗?。What other Opuses has Kraken produced, and do they plan to produce?

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大约又经过了一个世纪,科学终于对这种动物加上了一个动物学上的名称—“挪威海怪”。About a century later, science finally attached a zoological name to the Kraken.

他们来到冥界,找到了地狱三女巫。这三个女巫告诉珀尔修斯,蛇发女怪美杜莎的头颅可以杀死挪威海怪。They come to Garden of Stygia and find the three Stygian Witches, who tell Perseus that the head of the Gorgon Medusa could kill the Kraken.

Kraken称杰克逊生前曾与该公司讨论过此事,出版事宜如今得到了杰克逊财产代理人的同意。Kraken said it had been in discussions with the pop star before he died, and now the book has been endorsed and approved by Jackson's estate.

在泰坦表面的众多湖泊中,首先被选中的目标是黎盖娅湖和海妖湖,论面积这两个湖泊都可与北美的五大湖区相媲美。Of all the lakes on Titan's surface, the target one would either be Ligeia Mare or Kraken Mare, both of which are comparable in size to the Great Lakes.

一个不寻常的“海下入侵”假设将产生“你疯了”想法的主角波尔和杰梅紧密联系在一起。The Kraken Wakes. John Wydham. An unusual "invasion from below"premise with a couple similar to Paul and Jamie from "Mad AboutYou" fulfilling the lead roles.

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龙是最巨大的,海怪是最强壮的,独角兽是最迷人的,而人头狮身龙尾兽及半狮半鹫兽就他们本身的条件而言是最强大的。The dragon is the largest, the kraken is the strongest, the unicorn is the most enchanting, and the manticore and the gryphon are powerful in their own rights.

同时介绍了文中时反处理法的应用背景知识,即水声信道的基本知识,着重介绍了基于简正波的KRAKEN水声信道模型。Also it introduces the background knowledge of time reversal application. That is the basic knowledge of underwater acoustic channel, such as the KRAKEN Normal Mode.

人们可以在圣诞期间通过售票网站Ticketmaster购买这本名为“迈克尔・杰克逊官方作品”的相册。Kraken Opus said "The Official Michael Jackson Opus" will be available for customers through the website of concert ticket seller Ticketmaster, with delivery set for the Christmas holiday season.