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空气喷气反作用式发动机有三种。There are three types of airstream reaction engines.

一股偏冷的西北气流将覆盖我省。A rather cold north west airstream will cover our province.

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莎莉嘉引进的西南气流将继续于明天为香港带来骤雨。Showers are expected tomorrow due to the southwesterly airstream induced by SARIKA.

积极偏南气流带来的雨的天气华南沿岸地区。An active southerly airstream is bringing rainy weather to the south China coastal areas.

发音时声带可以振动也可以不振动,但是必须受到气流阻碍的音标。The airstream mechanism is how the air moves through the vocal tract during articulation.

这个斜面锐角使进气口的气流纵向流变。The ramp sits at an acute angle to deflect the intake airstream from the longitudinal direction.

我与同事以数学计算指出,气流引起的波动可以让振动持续下去。My colleagues and I have shown mathematically that this airstream -driven wave sustains vibration.

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卡车马达带动巨大的风扇并从55加仑的桶里把柴油燃料泵到空气中。The truck motor twirled the huge cage-fan and pumped diesel fuel from a 55-gallon drum into the airstream.

当一个球形的颗粒在气流中向上移动时,其作用力的改变如图2-123所示。The changes in force application as a spherical particle moves up into the airstream are shown in fig. 2.123.

基本原理是让空气通过一个浸水的湿垫,通过水分的蒸发降低进入室内气流的温度。It simply blow air over a wet surface, so that the area evaporate water off the surface and into the airstream.

以有机食用玫瑰为原料,经干燥、灭菌、净化处理后,气流粉碎而成。Organic Rose Powder is processed from Organic edible rose by desiccating, sterilizing, airstream pulverization.

迄今为止,人们发现的降低气流湍流度的最有效的办法就是利用阻尼网。So far the most effective means to lower the turbulence intensity of the airstream is to utilize damping screens.

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根据计算敏感元件内的流场分布解释微型气流陀螺的敏感机理。The sensitive mechanism of micro airstream gyroscope was explained by calculating the distributing of stream field in the sense organ.

莎莉嘉的雨带及由它引进的西南气流将于未来两天为香港带来狂风骤雨。Squally showers are expected tomorrow and on Sunday due to rainbands associated with SARIKA and the southwesterly airstream induced by the storm.

以瀑布的为造型意象,伴随著瀑布倾泻而下的水流,带来了大量的负离子,带给人身心灵的清新与沈静。Products design uses waterfall as model image and will pour down like waterfall airstream which brings ample ions to let people feel brisk and calm.

它让我想起了那些逍遥自在的日子,与世无争,过着牧羊人的生活。I find The Simian's trailer and it reminds me of my own salad days living out of an Airstream making money hand over fist as a freelance sheepherder.

我找到了猿人的拖车。它让我想起了那些逍遥自在的日子,与世无争,过着牧羊人的生活。I find The Simian's trailer and it reminds me of my own salad days living out of an Airstream making money hand over fist as a freelance sheepherder.

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咆哮者可将特制的涡轮机降至飞机飞过时留下的气流里来实现对武器进行充电并使其重新进入活跃状态。The Growler is able to keep its weapons charged up and humming by lowering special turbines into the airstream that rushes past the plane when it is flying.

另一类流速计的典型代表是转子流速计。这种仪器的工作原理是气流使一指针偏转,指示出瞬时速度值。An example of another type of anemometer in which the airstream displaces an indicator giving an instantaneous reading of velocity or flowrate is the rotameter.

如今,我们只会绑架那些单身住在流线形设计的拖车里的宅男宅女,主要是因为他们够宅,而且说句实话,我们就喜欢耍弄那些家伙。Today we abduct only nerdy guys who live alone in Airstream trailers, primarily because they're nerds and, truth be told, we just like to mess with their heads.