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你是你的心的看门人。You are the doorkeeper of your heart.

门房回到他的座位上去。After which the doorkeeper went back to his seat.

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看门人听见门上的链和拴被拉开了。The doorkeeper heard the chain and bolts withdrawn.

他刚一进大门,就被门卫给拦住了。He was stopped by the doorkeeper as soon as he entered.

这时,我的律师问门房是否和我一道抽烟了。My counsel asked the doorkeeper if he, too, hadn't smoked.

守门人一看见冒烟就发出警报。The doorkeeper gave the alarm as soon as he saw the smoke.

为什么将长颈鹿作为公司的“守门人”?Why they regard the giraffe as the "doorkeeper" of the company?

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我与其住在罪孽的天幕中,还不如做神殿的守门人。I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of lord than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

介绍信上没有印信,所以门卫没让他们进去。As there was no official seal on the introductory letter, the doorkeeper didn't let them in.

宁可在我神殿中看门,不愿住在恶人的帐棚里。I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

宁愿站在我神殿中的门槛上,也不愿住在恶人的帐棚里。I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

看门人被杀了,钱也丢了。我们都怀疑那个陌生的新来者。The doorkeeper was killed and the money lost. All of us smelled a rat to the strange newcomer.

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问过陪审团和我的律师有没有问题之后,庭长听了门房的证词。After asking the jury and my lawyer if they had any questions, the Judge heard the doorkeeper 's evidence.

一些人路过,看到在小气鬼家里举办宴会,都感到很奇怪,便问小气鬼的看门人是怎么回事。Passers were wondered at seeing a feast going on in the miser's house and so they asked his doorkeeper about it.

当时有个叫侯赢的隐士,是一个地位卑下的看门人,信陵君听说他是个贤士,便亲自赶车去接他。Hou Ying , a hermit , was a humble doorkeeper . When Xinglingjun heard that Hou was a man of virtue , he drove his cart himself to invite him back.

这事正如一个人离开本家,寄居外邦,把权柄交给仆人,分派各人当做的工,又吩咐看门的警醒。It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake.

因为老板没有交待确切回家的时间,所以看门人必须醒寤守候,哪怕一直等到半夜或者凌晨为止。And since the boss has not said exactly when he is coming home, the doorkeeper has to stay awake until he comes, even if it is not until midnight or toward morning.

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运用传播学的“把关人”原理,论析了图书出版的三个基本环节,探讨了每一环节的工作方法。Applying the "doorkeeper" principle of the communication studies the article presents three fundamental links in books' publishing work and probes the proper working methods in each link.