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一般技术移民评分标准审核将在2010年上半年进行。The GSM Points Test Review will be undertaken in the first half of 2010.

它有两种型号,分别是欧洲用的三频版本和美国用的双频版本。Two models available, which are Tri-Band GSM for Europe and dual band for the states.

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我目前是485签证,尚未申请永居技术移民签证。I am currently on a subclass 485 visa and have not yet applied for a permanent GSM visa.

一般技术移民签证的关键目标是为澳大利亚雇主提供“适工”的申请人。A key aim of the GSM program is to provide 'job ready'applicants to Australian employers.

采用曲线平移法,确定了美国钢铁产品平均使用寿命为24年。The average life-span of steel products in USA determined by GSM is 24 years in this paper.

直放站的引入抬高了蜂窝系统底噪声,加大系统干扰,影响网络质量。Repeater raises up the GSM base noise, increases system interference, effects the network quality.

全球移动通信系统中的慢跳频意味着无线时隙跳频正一阵一阵地改变。Slow Frequency Hopping in GSM means that the frequency of radio timeslot is changing burst by burst.

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中国联通同时拥有1.68亿用户,其中1.China Unicom, meanwhile has 168 million customers, with 125 million on a GSM network and the rest on CDMA.

员工退房时应通知大堂经理,并将钥匙立刻退还给大堂经理。The staff should inform the GSM when checking out from the room and return the keys to the GSM immediately.

码分多址、时分多址和全球移动系统是数字移动电话的三种传输形式。他们都有各自的拥戴者。CDMA, TDMA, and GSM are the three transmission types for digital cellular and all sides have their proponents.

新的移民职业清单适用于2010年年中以后所有新的一般技术移民申请人,除了以下申请人,在2010年2月8日。The new SOL will apply to all new GSM applicants from mid-2010, except those applicants who, at 8 February 2010

北京大学党委书记闵维方、光华管理学院院长厉以宁等领导以及社会各界20多位贵宾莅临现场。Vice-President Min Weifang, dean of GSM Li Yining, more than 20 visitants and other leaders presented at the ceremony.

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然而,以上学生签证的持有者可以按照新的SOL表内的职业来申请技术移民永居签证。However these student visa holders will be required to have an occupation on the new SOL to apply for a permanent GSM visa.

作品基于竞赛提供的DSP开发板,设计了一套新型抗RPE-LTP压缩编码的加解密算法。Based on the DSP hardware, a novel encryption algorithm is designed, which can penetrate through RPE-LTP vocoder in GSM voice channel.

实验测试获得了较好的技术指标,能满足现代移动通信C网和G网射频子系统对本振源的要求。The source can meet to the demands of local oscillator in radio frequency subsystem of modern mobile communication GSM and CDMA network.

气压式无线智能通报系统将为你的汽车提供更方便安全的通报功能。GSM wireless Air-pressure Intelligentized Burglarproof System for Car will provide more convenient and safer alarm service for your vehicle.

该系统能够实现多幅广告画面的滚动展示,所有运行中的广告牌的工作状况可以通过无线网络进行监测和控制。This system can realize the roll display of more than one picture and the status of the system can be monitored and controlled by GSM network.

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通篇的论述目标是为如何在现实中构建并使用支持SIGTRAN协议的网络提供研究方案和实施指导。The basic purpose of this paper is the research and construction of SIGTRAN protocol stack based network architecture for the GSM core network.

根据一般技术移民计划,留学生的提名技术职业在必须新的移民职业清单上,否则他们不能移民澳大利亚。International students will be unable to migrate to Australia under the GSM program unless their nominated skilled occupation is on the new SOL.

我可以要求移民公民部不把封顶安排与我2007年9月1日之前提交的一般技术移民申请相关联吗?Q 9 Can I request the department not to impose the capping arrangements in relation to my offshore GSM application lodged before 1 September 2007?