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这表明市场可能会试探21000点的位置。This suggests the market can retest the 21000 level.

供印上日后再次试压日期的预留空位。Reserved space for marking subsequent pressure retest date.

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我打消了放弃的念头并为他预约了重考。I aborted the idea to retreat and booked the retest for him.

当然,他们可以继续学习,重新测试,就像考驾照那样。Of course, they could study up and retest just like with driver's licenses.

共78人参与,9人需要重考,最后全部合格!Totally, there were 78 attendees, 9 required retest and finally all passed!

自动化测试实例可以重复测试你已经手工测试过的区域。Automated test cases can retest areas that you have already tested manually.

一旦我们拥有了一个强有力的功能测试集合,重新测试系统将是非常容易的。Once we had a strong set of function tests, it was easy to retest the system.

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应当取一个具有代表性的样品进行复验。A representative sample should be taken for the purpose of performing a retest.

这就增加了再次测试1220点附近的重大价格阻力位的可能性。This increases the probability for a retest of major price resistance near 1220.

您可以做出一些更改,重新测试映射,然后重新测试使用这些映射的模块。You can make a few changes, retest the maps, and then retest the modules that use them.

您可以编辑池以更改参数,然后重新测试,直到连接成功为止。You can edit the pool to change parameters and retest until the connection is successful.

好的,我们就这个疑问进行检验,主试在一年之后对这些人进行突击的实验重测。Well, to check, the experimenters called them up more than a year later in a surprise retest.

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如果登录成功,您可以编辑安全领域并重新测试,直到安全领域连接成功为止。If the log in is unsuccessful, you can edit the security realm and retest until it is successful.

您还需要重新对流进行测试,以确保仍然检索到预期的结果。You will also need to retest your flows to make sure you are still retrieving the expected results.

应评估主要变更潜在影响建立的复检期或有效期的能力。The potential for critical changes to affect established retest or expiry dates should be evaluated.

原料药的有效期或复检期应基于稳定性研究所得的资料的评估。An API expiry or retest date should be based on an evaluation of data derived from stability studies.

他们要检测,重新取样,重新检测设备或系统,直到达到被认可的残留物级别。They test, resample , and retest equipment or systems until an "acceptable" residue level is attained.

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所有样版对湿水的色牢度不过关,沾色于尼龙上,两个滚边要就不过关的地方重新测试。All sample fall in color fastness to water , nylon staining of both piping retest on the fallure point.

看空的前景以21000点支撑失败并再次试探18500点附近的长期支撑而开始。A bearish outlook starts with a failure of support at 21000 and a retest of long term support near 18500.

如果测试了服务提供者,且表明其工作正常,使用者是否需要也对其进行重新测试?If a service provider is tested and shown to work correctly, does the consumer need to retest it as well?