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但是,这个R2装置基本不能移动。This R2-unit, though, is largely immobile.

重稀土元素及Y也属于不活泼元素。The heavy rare earth and Y also belong to immobile elements.

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在我们待在飞机,火车或汽车座位上的时间段里,很长时候是固定不动的。We remain immobile for long periods of time in plane, train or car seats.

那人死勾勾地盯着他,身子一动也不动,只有那幽灵般的眼睛轱辘辘地转个不停。The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes.

虚空潜伏着是一个便宜,无形,永生且有着强大奥术魔法的彩虹法师。The Void Lurker is a cheap, ethereal, immobile rainbow mage with strong astral magic.

这只不动的杂食野兽几乎完全隐藏在沙漠下。The omnivorous, immobile beast is almost entirely concealed beneath the desert sands.

静止水的亏缺量和可动水亏缺量则构成了土壤总的水分亏缺量。Finally, the immobile water deficit and mobile water loss make up a total soil water loss.

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和这些流动的超地域数据相比,Bing和谷歌的搜索结果如此固定以至于他们看起来不会变化。Compared to that fluid, hyperlocal data, Bing and Google are so static as to seem immobile.

观察两组术肢制动时间、血管并发症及不良反应。The immobile time of the lesioned limbs, vessel complications and side effects were observed.

在快速眼动睡眠期间,梦境增加,身体的随意肌逐渐静止。During REM sleep, dream activity ramps up and the voluntary muscles ofthe body become immobile.

使用寒冰来冻住目标,造成342到363点伤害,使目标在6秒之内无法移动。Encases the target with ice and dealing 342 to 363 damage and making them immobile for 6 seconds.

使用寒冰来冻住目标,造成458到487点伤害,使目标在6秒之内无法移动。Encases the target with ice and dealing 458 to 487 damage and making them immobile for 6 seconds.

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使用寒冰来冻住目标,造成582到618点伤害,使目标在6秒之内无法移动。Encases the target with ice and dealing 582 to 618 damage and making them immobile for 6 seconds.

使用寒冰来冻住目标,造成716到759点伤害,使目标在6秒之内无法移动。Encases the target with ice and dealing 716 to 759 damage and making them immobile for 6 seconds.

碧萝芷?助于防止脚浮肿和那种不动的生活方式引起的不良血液循环。Pycnogenol? helps against swollen feet and reduced circulation caused by that immobile life style.

同时在运动件和固定件之间设计了一套特殊的导电装置。At the same time, a special conductive device is designed between moving module and immobile shell.

这确实是一种抽奖,一些“东西”弱小而不可移动但另一些非常非常的巨大而狂暴。It is a lottery indeed, some "things" are weak and immobile but others are really, really big and nasty.

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这些智利矿工被困在一个黑暗、温暖、潮湿的环境里,承受着巨大的压力,基本上不能活动。The Chilean miners have been under severe stress and largely immobile in a dark, warm, humid environment.

煤层中的朗格缪尔等温曲线可视为常规黑油油藏中的溶解气油比曲线。The solution gas-oil ratio of this immobile oil is calculated from the Langmuir adsorption isotherm curve.

使用寒冰来冻住目标,造成716到759点伤害,使目标在6秒之内无法移动。Freeze IV Encases the target with ice and dealing 716 to 759 damage and making them immobile for 6 seconds.