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今天是我们伊历的新年。It's our Islamic New Year today.

都是中世纪伊斯兰的玻璃制品所特有的。are typical of medieval Islamic glassware.

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很多伊斯兰教宗也宣扬非暴力。Most Islamic authorities preach non-violence.

我们是穆斯林,希望有一个穆斯林制度。We are Muslims and we want an Islamic system.

科尔曼支持伊斯兰女权运动。Ms Coleman makes the case for Islamic feminism.

斋月是伊斯兰历中最贵重的月份。Ramadan is the holiest month in Islamic calendar.

他是伊斯兰智识中导师们的导师。He was the Shaykh of Shaykhs in Islamic knowledge.

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这人,玉清真人却是认识的。This person, jade Islamic person yet is cognitive.

警方称,炸弹疑为伊斯兰武装分子放置。Police said suspected Islamic militants placed bombs.

塔哈里认为伊斯兰共和国行为有误。Mr Taheri views the Islamic Republic as an aberration.

伊斯兰的信仰复兴组织是其中的佼佼者。Revivalist Islamic groups are amongst the most deadly.

伊斯兰国极端分子三个月前占领了帕尔米拉古城。The Islamic extremists seized Palmyra three months ago.

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对她们的镇压成为这个伊斯兰国家的一个支柱。Their subjugation became a pillar of the Islamic state.

约旦河西岸地区乃至整个伊斯兰世界也是如此。The same is true in the West Bank and the Islamic world.

人们的感情都转向伊斯兰历的穆哈兰姆月为死者哀悼。Hearts turn to mourning in the Islamic month of Muharram.

伊斯兰教喜欢用蓝和青绿色。Blue and turquoise is represented by the Islamic religion.

它们仍然存在,在柔道-基督教和伊斯兰教的传统。They still exist in Judo-Christian and Islamic traditions.

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伊朗的统制者必需取悦于波斯人和伊斯兰人。Iran's rulers must satisfy both its Persian and its Islamic.

文中写道,伊斯兰文化是最麻烦的。The Islamic civilization, he wrote, is the most troublesome.

规定,9岁以下的男孩因为未成年而不用封斋。According to Islamic rules, boys under 9 do not need to fast.