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她说话很有风趣。She is a witty talker.

依赖于智巧内容。Relying on witty content.

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他是一个有智慧又博爱的人。He was a witty loving man.

李利措辞巧妙的对话启发了他。Lyly's witty dialogue inspired him.

读史令人明智,读诗令人灵秀。Histories make man wise, poems witty.

宁作聪明的傻子,不作愚蠢的聪明人。Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.

他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳。He made a witty comeback to the insult.

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我很喜欢听他们妙语连珠的对答。I enjoy listening to their witty repartee.

我的妻子,凯叫它“与你何干”原则。My wife, Kay, calls that the WITTY principle.

在场下,他十分风趣机智但从不自作聪明。Off court he was witty but never smart-alecky.

哈里斯先生的机智和尖刻不输给任何作者。Mr Harris is as witty and cutting a writer as any.

小品和相声,你更喜欢哪一个?Which one do you prefer, witty skits or crosstalk?

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马上又一句俏皮话出现在他的脑子里。At the moment another witty word swam into his mind.

放应幽默机智是一种快乐。Happiness is responding in a humorous and witty way.

苔丝狄蒙娜赞美得好!要是她虽黑丑而聪明呢?Desdemona. Well praised! How if she be black and witty?

他文雅俊逸,谈吐风趣。He was charming and urbane, full of witty conversation.

那丑星被认为是个逗乐子的好手。The star clown was considered a master of witty banter.

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当有人想用挖苦来令你不舒服的时候,你要机智些。Be witty when someone uses sarcasm to make you feel bad.

这时候,茶巾上有一些冷冷诙谐的卡通威尔士矮脚狗。This time the tea towels bear drily witty cartoon corgis.

忘了那些风趣的搭讪和须后水吧。Forget witty chat-up lines and splashing on the aftershave.