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两河流域的最初文明就是他们建立的。Mesopotamia civilization is the first of them.

美索不达米亚是世界上最古老的文明。Mesopotamia was the world’s first civilization.

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在一件灰泥浮雕上,她是令人望而生畏的美索不达米亚妇女,戴著耳环。In a stucco relief she is a formidable Mesopotamia matron with earrings.

国徽为萨拉丁雄鹰徽,象征两河流域的文明。Saladin emblem for the Eagle emblem, the symbol of Mesopotamia civilization.

然后,美索不达米亚的大部分地区都成为了安息的帕提亚帝国的其中一部分。Most of Mesopotamia then became part of the Parthian Empire of the Arsakides.

美索不达米亚的冲积平原非常适合生产高生量的食物。The alluvial plains in Mesopotamia are perfectly suitable for high food production.

在美索不达米亚,由于土壤肥沃及其他因素,通常是不需要施肥的In Mesopotamia they usually didn't need to because the richness of the soil and so on.

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他们并不像法老、弥诺斯或美索不达米亚君主那样类似上帝的超人。They were not quasi-divine overmen like pharaoh or minos or the monarchs of mesopotamia.

它几乎和最古老的美索不达米亚楔形文字同龄,但是我们几乎找不到它的使用者的资料。It is almost as old as the oldest writing of all, theearliest cuneiform from Mesopotamia.

密特拉的避难所和陵墓建立在美索不达米亚上部的赫拉城里。Mithraic sanctuaries and mausoleums were built in the city of Hatra in upper Mesopotamia.

阿拉姆人的是一个犹太人的人发源于住在上不达米亚和叙利亚。The Aramaeans were a Semitic people who originated and lived in upper Mesopotamia and Syria.

一个字母或音节系统可能开发的美索不达米亚几千年以前。An alphabetic or syllabic system probably developed in Mesopotamia several thousand years ago.

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南美索不达米亚地区的每种文明中,都有某种形式的大洪水的神话故事。Nearly every civilization living in southern Mesopotamia has told some form of the flood myth.

美索不达米亚的雄狮赢得2007年亚洲杯时,他曾是体育界最大的童话之一。When the Lions of Mesopotamia won the 2007 Asian Cup, it was one of sport's greatest fairytales.

这里有埃及,这里有小亚细亚,这里有美索不达米亚。You've got Egypt over here. You've got Asia Minor up here, and you've got Mesopotamia over here.

然而在阿拉伯半岛、埃及、亚述和美索不达米亚更早的文化中,上空是社会的准则。However, toplessness was the norm in earlier cultures within Arabia, Egypt, Assyria and Mesopotamia.

这最后的5倍分工显然是借自古代迦勒思想目前在美索不达米亚。This last five fold division is clearly borrowed from ancient Chaldean ideas current in Mesopotamia.

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司提反所做的是首先讲在美索不达米亚,对亚伯拉罕现身的神。What Stephen does is he starts off just talking about the God who appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia.

从古埃及,到美索不达米亚,再到印度河和黄河的河域。The survey starts in antiquity with Egypt, Mesopotamia and the areas round the Indus and the Yellow River.

这些准则令他赢得了神的青睐,让他在洪水退去后统治美索不达米亚。These guidelines win him the favor of the gods, allowing him to rule Mesopotamia once the flood waters recede.