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后期减少迟发行溃疡。Anaphase it can reduce the tardive ulcer.

迟发性运动障碍也作为可能的并发症被写入其中。Tardive dyskinesia also is mentioned as a possible complication.

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方法对低压电击伤导致迟发性死者进行临床和病理学观察及分析。Methods To observe and analyse a case of tardive death by means of clinical and pathological ways.

目的探讨精神分裂症迟发性运动障碍患者的血糖代谢水平。Objective To explore the metabolic levels of blood glucose in schizophrenics with tardive dyskinesia.

近期的产品标签已对长期应用甲氧氯普胺可导致迟发型运动障碍的风险提出警示。Current product labeling warns of the risk of tardive dyskinesia with chronic metoclopramide treatment.

目的探讨外伤性迟发性颅内血肿的诊治要点。Objective To explore the major points of diagnosis and treatment in traumatic tardive intracranial hematoma.

卵磷脂可能证明是有益的,在减轻症状的老年痴呆症,阿尔茨海默氏症和迟发性运动障碍。Lecithin may prove useful in alleviating the symptoms of Senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Tardive dyskinesia.

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目的探讨低压电触电引起心肌坏死导致迟发性死亡的关系。Objective To discuss the relation ship between low voltage electric shock and tardive death due to myocardial necrosis.

目的探讨陈旧性齿状突骨折与迟发性脊髓损伤的关系及其临床诊治特点和方法。Objective To discuss the clinical diagnosis and treatment of old odontoid fractures combined with tardive spinal cord lesion.

某些迟发性紫绀的先天性心脏病与艾森门格综合征较难鉴别,诊断务必谨慎。Tardive cyanosis caused by some congenital heart diseases must be carefully diagnosed for the similarity to that of Eisenmenger syndrome.

迟发性运动障碍导致肢体不自主的节律性重复运动、颌部咀嚼运动、撅嘴以及其他可能的永久性症状。Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary, repetitive movement of the limbs and lip smacking, grimacing and other symptoms that can be permanent.

迟发性运动障碍导致肢体不自主的节律性重复运动、颌部咀嚼运动、撅嘴以及其他可能的永久性症状。Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary, repetitive movement of the limbs and lip smacking , grimacing and other symptoms that can be permanent.

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甚至第一代药物最令人畏惧的副作用迟发性运动障碍似乎比潜在的致命性代谢问题引起的麻烦更少一些。Even the most feared side effect of first-generation drugs, tardive dyskinesia , seems less troubling than potentially fatal metabolic problems.

目的早期发现迟发性颅内血肿,降低死亡率和致残率。Objective To detect early clinical symptoms of trauma-induced tardive intracranial hematoma for the purse of lowering the mortality and mutilation rate.

在这一时期,她试图减少服用抗精神病药物的数量。由于她担心患上迟发性运动障碍。During this period, she attempted to reduce the amount of antipsychotic medications she was taking because of concerns about developing tardive dyskinesia.

一名26岁男子精神分裂症,无序型,抑郁症,发达国家严重迟发性运动障碍治疗期间利培酮与氟西汀。A 26-year-old man with schizophrenia, disorganised type, and depression, developed severe tardive dyskinesia during treatment with risperidone and fluoxetine.

我有同感。这使我想起某些因长年服用抗精神病药而引起可悲的副作用导致迟发性运动障碍的人。I was wondering the same thing. Reminded me of someone with tardive dyskinesia, which is a very sad side effect associated with years of anti-psychotic medication use.

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若其对精神病和迟缓型运动障碍的有效性得以证实,则可能会改变我们对精神分裂症的病理生理学和治疗的认知。If efficacy in psychosis and tardive dyskinesia is confirmed, it is likely to lead to revision of our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of these disorders.

方法回顾性分析和总结60例重型颅脑外伤迟发性颅内血肿病人的早期临床症状及观察要点。Method The early clinical symptoms of trauma-induced tardive intracranial hematoma in 60 patients with severe craniocerebral trauma were retrospectively analyzed and concluded.