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卡默洛特在英国亚瑟王传奇中亚瑟王的王宫所在地。In Arthurian legend, the site of King Arthur's court.

这个词用于威尔士文学中的亚瑟王传奇。The term was used as the Arthurian legends developed in Welsh literature.

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亚瑟王传奇是由一些圆桌武士的故事构成。The stories of the Knights of the Round Table make up the Arthurian cycle.

亚瑟王传说中的梅林和莎士比亚笔下的卡利班就是两个著名的扮人妖。Merlin of Arthurian legend and Shakepseare’s Caliban are two famous cambions.

摩根是传说中的一位力量强大的女巫,她是亚瑟王同父异母的姐姐。A powerful sorceress in Arthurian legend, Morgan le Fay is King Arthur's half-sister.

比如说,对于幻想题材,阅读邓赛尼作品、希腊神话、亚瑟王的传说等。For example, for fantasy, read Dunsany, Greek myths, Arthurian legends, and the like.

出现在美国流行文化中的中国就和英格兰的亚瑟王一样年代久远。The China that appears in American pop culture is about as modern as Arthurian England.

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此概念源自英国传说里的亚瑟王与其圆桌骑士在卡默洛特时代的习俗。The idea stems from the Arthurian legend about the Knights of the Round Table in Camelot.

另一些小说中,亚瑟王角色或元素出现在现代。There are other books where Arthurian elements and characters appear in contemporary times.

关于探索圣杯的问题上,一个主题与基督教式的亚瑟王故事相关。A theme joined to the Christianised Arthurian mythos relates to the quest for the Holy Grail.

汉克-摩根到了最后悲痛欲绝,因为他无法回到阿瑟王时代爱人的身边。Hank Morgan is heartbroken at the end because he cannot get back to his Arthurian sweetheart.

这是亚瑟王传奇系列最好的一曲,为它欢呼!Tintagel 128K Critically acclaimed as one of the finest musical portrayals of the Arthurian legends!

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早期的圣杯传奇故事集中于珀西法尔,然后卷入更为普遍的亚瑟王传说。The early Grail romances centered on Percival and were then woven into the more general Arthurian fabric.

圆桌是亚瑟王传奇中亚瑟王的著名桌子,他和他的骑士们经常围桌而坐。Round Table is King Arthur's famed table in the Arthurian legend, around which he and his Knights congregate.

马可王在亚瑟王传奇中的康沃尔王,伊索尔特之夫,他是其妻子的情人特里斯坦的叔叔。In Arthurian legend, an Irish princess who married the king of Cornwall and had a love affair with his knight Tristan.

该片阵容强大、效果逼真,为亚瑟王奇幻电影又增添了值得一提的一笔。This movie has a good cast and excellent battle scenes. It makes for an interesting addition to Arthurian Fantasy movies.

这是所有亚瑟王神话的实情,直到现在好莱坞的重演为止,也不被东德所知。This is true of all Arthurian myths, which were not well known east of Germany until the present-day Hollywood retellings.

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这部讲述亚瑟王传奇故事的剧集第三季吸引了超过六百万观众观看。The third series of the retelling of the Arthurian legend has regularly attracted average audiences of more than six million.

亚瑟王时代的传奇中的人物,是一个骑士,爱上了与他的叔叔康沃尔国王马克订了婚的爱尔兰公主伊休尔特。In Arthurian legend, a knight who fell in love with the Irish princess Iseult, who was betrothed to his uncle King Mark of Cornwall.

在这间神圣的房间内,交换着绝地武士团最高层人士的智慧,他们的就坐形式让人回忆起亚瑟王传奇中伟大的圆桌会议。In this hallowed room is exchanged the wisdom of the highest of the Jedi order, their seating recalling the noble Round Table of Arthurian legend.