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山西房屋的建造者是石头的切割者。The Shansi builders are stone cutters.

他曾一度参加过山西某县的统一战线政府。At one time, he joined a United Front government in Shansi.

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李同另外五、六个人一起到了山西的山里。With five or six others, Li went into the Shansi Mountains.

在战略上,八路军正以山西为中心进行战争。Strategically, the Eighth Route Army is centring them on Shansi.

在战略上,八路军正以山西为中心进行战争。Strategically , the Eighth Route Army is centring them on Shansi.

在山西省,典型的住房是两层和一层半。In Shansi province two storey and one and a half storey houses are typical.

崇善寺的文物宝藏很有特色,也很珍贵。Chong Shansi cultural treasures of the great characteristics, but also very valuable.

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北面邻近蒙古边界多山的山西省,情况尤其是这样。In mountainous Shansi province, near the northern Mongolia border, this is especially true.

现在有些地方的仗打得相当大,例如在山西的上党区。In places like the Shangtang area in Shansi Province there is fighting on a fairly large scale.

今天,崇善寺正以它自己独特的魅力,迎接着日益增多的四方客人。Today, Chong Shansi is its own unique charm, to meet the increasing number of four-party guests.

他站在公路上看到蒋介石的士兵慌张狼狈地逃出山西。He stood on highways and watched the soldiers of Chiang Kai-shek running away in panic through Shansi.

他出生在离黄河不远的晋西山区一个相当大的村子里。He had been born in a good-sized village in the hills of western Shansi Province, not far from the Yellow River.

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由于地处太行山脉的深山峡谷,风光气候均很独特。Because is situated at the Mountain in Shansi sierra the remote mountain canyon, the sight climate is very unique.

进入山西的日本军队,现在在战略上是在八路军和其他中国军队的四面包围之中。The Japanese troops in Shansi are being strategically encircled by the Eighth Route Army and other Chinese troops.

在著名的太行八陉中,居庸关排列第八,即控扼军都山的军都陉。In the famous mountain in shansi eight Xing arranged in eighth, namely, the juyongguan KongE JunDouShan Xing the army.

同样某些山西房屋也存在了相当长的时间,可能也受到了风和恶劣冬季风暴的凶猛冲击。Some Shansi houses have been around almost as long. The wind and harsh winter storms may beat upon them with ferocity.

崇善寺既是佛教寺庙,又是皇家祖庙,因此,它享受着比一般寺庙更多的香火。Chong Shansi is both a Buddhist temple and a royal ancestral temple , so enjoy it more than the average temple incense.

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把天花板做成拱顶是山西房屋的另一个主要特点,这样就不需要用支撑横梁,并可以扩大室内的空间。Vaulting the ceilings, another key feature of Shansi houses, eliminates need for support beams and opens interior space.

我在山西省沁源县丁胡村见过一个青年农民受其父的逼迫打自己的妻子。In Tinghu village in Chingyuan County of Shansi Province, I came across a peasant boy who had to beat his wife on the order of his father.

而对我来说,薄的口音简直太难懂了。这一点的好处非同小可,因为从外省来的译员都听不懂薄一波的山西口音。This was more of an advantage than it sounds, for many interpreters from other parts of the country could not understand Po's Shansi speech.