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阿尔方斯想要你扔它。Alphonse wants you to throw it.

阿方斯立刻认可了他们。Alphonse recognized them immediately.

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阿尔方斯想要你扔球。Alphonse wants you to throw the ball.

新艺术派的代表人物是捷克人阿尔方斯。Art Nouveau is the representative of the people of the Czech Alphonse.

致力于让贾哈尔苏醒的堕落天使,在追忆的庭园被阿尔丰斯杀死。Angel who wanted to resurrect Shaher. Was killed by Alphonse in the Garden of Memories.

当是安全的,阿方斯赶紧给地方教士报告什么他看见了。As soon as it was safe, Alphonse hurried to the local priest to report what he had seen.

但结果反而是阿尔丰斯揭穿了他的密谋,费利斯地区为其领主的行为受到了惩处。Instead, Alphonse brought Bernard's plot to light, and Felis was punished for it's actions.

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阿方斯放置打颤在灌木之下,祈祷恶魔,并且他的奴才不会找到他。Alphonse lay trembling under the bushes, praying the Devil and his minions wouldn't find him.

他和他的儿子,繁荣朱利阿,形成了伙伴关系,一年后开始一个托儿所。He and his son, Prosper Julius Alphonse , formed a partnership a year later to start a nursery.

在恶魔的视域,阿方斯喘气了并且滚动了在有些灌木之下在领域的边缘。At the sight of the Devil, Alphonse gasped and rolled under some shrubs at the edge of the field.

守候堕天使贾哈尔直到它苏醒的恶魔,在腐朽圣堂与阿尔丰斯的战斗中死亡。Demon awaiting the Fallen Angel Shaher's revival. Was killed in battle at the Hall of Corruption by Alphonse.

阿尔封斯有一种观点,“但是育儿啊,托管中心啊,幼儿园啊,传统上都是女人撑起整片天。”Alphonse has a point, but babysitting, day care centers and nursery schools are traditionally dominated by women.

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神的使徒。她向阿尔丰斯提出自己可以给予他所需的帮助,并加入了他的队伍。A messenger from God. Asked Alphonse if she could assist him in any way. Alphonse said there was, so Lobelia joined him.

在伤阿尔失去他的身体,在目前的恐慌爱德华关系他哥哥的灵魂一块铠甲。In the freak accident Alphonse loses his body, and in a moment of panic Edward ties his brother's soul to a piece of armor.

每次爷爷同他那位老朋友去餐馆,他们总要在门口像阿尔方斯和加斯通做戏那样,你推我让,客气一番。Every time Grandpa and this old friend of his went out to dinner, they'd pull an Alphonse and Gaston act at the restaurant entrance.

当首席法官奥列开始宣读种族灭绝的指控时,姆拉迪奇扔掉了他的耳机,开始咆哮。But it was when presiding Judge Alphonse Orie started to read out the genocide charge that Mladic threw off his headphones and started shouting.

两年后,阿德夫在一个针对爱迪生的专利审判中作证后,被美国电影机放映公司在纽约枪杀了。Another two years later, Alphonse was found shot dead in New York after testifying at a patent trial against Edison by the American Mutoscope Company.

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当奥列法官宣读对科索沃前总理哈拉迪纳伊的判决书时,坐满了人的公众席上响起了掌声和欢呼声。Clapping and cheers erupted from a packed public gallery as Judge Alphonse Orie read the verdict for Kosovo\'s former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj.