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玛格达马上动手收拾。Magda immediately began to tidy up.

玛格达跟着一个魔术师走南闯北。Magda tramped about with a magician.

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斯特朗和玛格塔关系一直不融洽。Strong did not get along with Magda.

是呀,我每个星期都要多跑一点呢。Magda Yeah. I'm trying to run more each week.

麦格达,你也是学生,你是怎么应对这些问题的呢?You're a student too, Magda. How do you manage?

这好想Magda和Ambrose做的性爱游戏。This is like that moment of erotic play with Magda for Ambrose.

这幼儿教育的经验让玛格达学习,以适应和管理两个非常不同的心态。This early childhood experience allowed Magda to learn to adjust to and manage two very different mentalities.

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他必须使用它们,尽管就是这些词语使,他失败了,无法传神表达和Magda的经历。They are what he has to work with, even though they are what defeat him in his effort to make sense of this experience with Magda.

他们在扮演奴隶和主人,他是主人,她是奴隶,他正在想象他们的未来,当他们老了的时候他会跟Magda谈起今天的事。They were playing slaves and masters, and he was the master, and she was the slave. So, he's imagining their future and talking about it with Magda when they're older.

因此我认为任何数额的金钱,以及任何可以获得现金的途径,都是非常有帮助的。So I think any amount of money and any opportunity to have access to cash would help this situation immensely, " said Magda Kandil, director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies."

他会在他的行业中变得相当有名,不管Magda是否,成为他的妻子,等他有了智慧的皱纹,两鬓斑白了,他会有天晚上在一次上流社会的晚宴上,庄重地微微一笑,对她提起自己少年时代的钟情。He would be quite famous in his line of work. Whether Magda was his wife or not, one evening when he was wise-lined and gray at the temples he'd smile gravely, at a fashionable dinner party, and remind her of his youthful passion.