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他借着微弱的电筒光看了条。He read the note in the dim torchlight.

游行者排成了火炬长龙。The marchers held a torchlight procession.

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电筒光划破黑暗形成一个光洞。The torchlight ripped a hole in the darkness.

电筒光划破黑暗形成一个光洞。The torchlight tipped a hole in the darkness.

你玩过,或者正打算玩火炬之光吗?Have you played or are you going to play Torchlight ?

事实上,在灼眼的火焰熄灭的同时,森林就变化了。In fact, with the blinding torchlight gone, the forest

医生正在帐篷里借着火把的光做手术。Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight.

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手电筒射出一道道光束,在墙上晃动。The torchlight emerges a bouch of beam which scan on the wall.

乌鸦油黑滑亮的羽毛如同火炬里的煤油。The bird's black plumage shone like coal oil in the torchlight.

神秘人颤栗着,火把的光芒像闪电一样流过他的头发。The man shuddered, torchlight rippling like lightning through his hair.

在巴哈马的萨马拿沙洲上,捕蟹者们升起火堆以搜寻猎物。Crabbers hunt for their quarry by torchlight on the Bahamas' Samana Cay.

居住在“五大湖”附近的土著人经常使用火把捕鱼。Native Americans who lived near the Great Lakes often fished by torchlight.

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手电筒的光在小海滩上扫过,而后照向水面搜索着。The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water, searching.

在五月的最后一个晚上,人们举着火把游行,敞开家门,做游戏,精心制作丰盛的筵席,使节日达到高潮。On the last night of May, this festival culminates with torchlight parades, open houses, games, and rich¬ly elaborate banquets.

等到二人跑到团团围坐的人群前面,在火炬光照下一看,哪里有什麽蜈蚣?When Hu and Li ran up to the people seated in a circle, they examined themselves in the torchlight. What centipedes ?There were none to be seen.

成百上千名手持火把的年轻民兵,排成游行队伍,在焰火发出炫目光芒的照耀下,踏着乐队的鼓点进军,将很快走进战争的熔炉。Hundreds of thousands of young militiamen, parading by torchlight to the dazzle of fireworks and the music of bands, soon marched into the crucible.

当时,我被远处门隙间一丝闪烁的火把光芒所吸引,当我猥琐的靠近时,我听到一个声音。While exploring one of the long-abandoned temples, I was drawn by the flickering of faint torchlight through a distant doorway, and then, as I crept nearer, by the sound of a voice.

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每个集营火协会都会花上一整年的时间准备壮观的庆祝活动,包括烟火表演和环绕贯穿全镇的长排火炬,将观赏的人潮一路引到他们各自的营地来。Each Bonfire Society spends the year preparing for the spectacular event with Fireworks and burning torchlight processions through the town leading down to their respective fire sites.

在立足技术创新,打造民族工业品牌的发展理念指引下,一个个拥有自主知识产权的国家火炬计划项目将在我们的“十一五”发展规划中逐一实施。Today, FEC will, under the doctrine of " Technical Innovation and shape national brands", a series of "National Torchlight Programs" will be carried out one after another by our staff.

火炬游行,演讲,伶人表演,诗人吟唱,舞者起舞,勇者为他们的候选人进行殊死搏斗,大象的身上涂着那些准元老的名字。Torchlight marches, speeches, mummers and minstrels and dancers, bravos fighting death duels for the honor of their candidates, elephants with the names of would-be triarchs painted on their sides.