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是通过怎样的渠道呢What's the conduit?

敷设在室内,隧道,电缆沟,管道等固定场合。Flaying indoor, in tunnels, ducts, conduit etc.

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导管886还可以是天线元件。The conduit 886 may also be an antenna element.

水通过这个管道流过去。The water runs through by means of this conduit.

涵洞管道涵洞的沟渠或引水道。The channel or conduit for such a sewer or drain.

敷设在室内,隧道,电缆沟,管道等固定场合。For laying indoor, in tunnels, ducts, conduit etc.

流体能够通过的孔或短导管。A hole or short conduit through which fluids can flow.

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一种信息的汇集,提供了报文传送的历史状况。An arms dealer who served as a conduit for intelligence data.

而且,这个平台也用于政府发布新闻。Plus, the platform is also used as a conduit for government news.

这样花梗没有受到力,导管保持正常,轻易吸收水分。So peduncular did not get force, conduit keeps normal, easy imbibe.

在全球建筑上下水道用铜水管是发展趋势。On global building sewer uses cupreous conduit is development trend.

本工程均为吊顶明管敷设和暗管敷设。Surface conduit and recessed conduit will be adopted in the project.

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适用在通道加压和送排风体系。Apply to conduit pressurization and system of wind sending a platoon.

这时,日本成为了现代进步思想传播的中转地之一。Japan also became a conduit for importing the new modern modes of thought.

热电偶可能会通过一条柔软的导线管通到接线盒。Thermocouples may be routed through the flexible conduit to the outlet box.

管道切开或挂线后,均需局部换药。After conduit dissections or hanging a line, all need local change medicine.

银行是中央银行的货币政策和宏观经济之间的传导机构。The banks are the conduit between central-bank policy and the wider economy.

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明配管及其支架应平滑牢固,排列整齐。Surface conduit and support should be fixed strongly and arranged into order.

林肯和巴利克来到了水站,断开了主输水管道的供水。Lincoln and Bellick go to the water station to cut off the main conduit water.

行动电话无庸置疑可以成为一个建立紧密亲子关系的管道。The cell phone no doubt can be a conduit in a close parent-child relationship.