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它可能就相当于一本书的书脊吧。Maybe it’s analogous to a book’s spine.

对于软件而言,类似的设计文档是什么呢?What is the analogous design document for software?

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元语言是一个有序排列类似逻辑。An ordered metalanguage is analogous to ordered logic.

在现在的照相机中,这类似于光圈。In modern cameras, this is analogous to the diaphragm.

此输出类似于汽车油尺。This output is analogous to the oil dipstick in a car.

相似的关系可能也存在于金属对金属内植入物中。Analogous relationships may exist in metal-on-metal implants.

云计算上采用的类似技术是虚拟化。The analogous technology in cloud computing is virtualisation.

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但在中东和北非,并没有发生类似的变化。In the Middle East and North Africa, nothing analogous occurred.

特斯拉旳以太是类似于古典旳以太“气体”理论。Tesla's aether is analogous to the classical aether "gas" theory.

这类似于数据库中选择一列作为主键。This is analogous to making a column in a database a primary key.

逻辑卷相当于硬盘分区。A logical volume is analogous to a disk partition for our purposes.

橙色,桔黄色,黄色是相似颜色的一个例子。Orange, yellow-orange, and yellow are an example of analogous colors.

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这可能类似和区分正方形和圆形类似。This would be analogous to what distinguishes a square from a circle.

鱼类的鳃与陆上动物的肺类似。The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.

也可以说,本文企图从知识理论的现实主义来谈班雅明。In a way, Benjamin's work is analogous to a realist theory of knowledge.

这与调用所有其它子程序的“主例程”类似。This is analogous to a "main routine" which invokes all other subroutines.

当你选择类似色系的时候,需要保证其他色彩有足够的对比效果。Make sure you have enough contrast when choosing an analogous color scheme.

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现在看来似乎某些类似的东西已碰击了全球金融市场。Now it looks like something analogous has hit the global financial markets.

本文讨论一种发散型光学纤维,它类似于凹透镜。This paper describes a diverging fibre that is analogous to a concave lens.

之后,斯塔克做了一个相似的实验,不过他在实验中用的是电场。And subsequently Starck did the analogous experiment but with an electric field.