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为我的罪孽。For my sin.

我痛恨罪恶。I hate sin.

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承认罪恶。Confession of sin.

什麽是小罪?What is a venial sin?

他被洗清罪恶。He is washed from sin.

我脱净了我的罪。I am free from my sin?

背负着俗世的浮尘和愧罪。Guilty of dust and sin.

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旧罪导致新丑。Old sin make new shame.

是罪恶玷污了我们。Sin is what defiles us.

私心是罪恶的根源。That is the root of sin.

他犯这种罪就要下十八层地狱。He may burn for this sin.

糜费食品是一种罪孽。It's a sin to waste food.

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是可恕之罪,或是死罪?Venial sin or mortal sin?

即使偷一根不值什么钱的针也是一种罪过。It is a sin to steal a pin.

想死是一种罪过。It is a sin to want to die.

自由意志是罪的状态。Free-will is a state of sin.

他以生命赎罪。He atoned his sin with life.

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堕胎是应该受诅咒的罪恶。Abortion is an abominable sin.

基督徒能而且在犯罪。And Christians can and do sin.

而且我相信,那是一种罪恶。Besides I believe it is a sin.