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足趾浅肉色。Toes shallow color.

我才没那么肤浅呢。I’m not that shallow.

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这时它可能深、可能浅。It can be shallow or deep.

我要的是个浅盘。What I need is a shallow dish.

浅流水声响。Shallow streams make most dins.

我们就在浅水区。We'll stay in the shallow area.

向来情深,奈何缘浅。Always feeling, but rim shallow.

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一盏墨香,浅笔静开。An ink pen, shallow static open.

但是他的分析太浅薄了。But his analysis is too shallow.

在浅浅的河边,对着那瀑布By shallow rivers, to whose falls

浅薄者才懂他们自己。Only the shallow know themselves.

浅浅的爱,便是深深的喜欢。Shallow love, would be deep love.

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浅显与深刻集于一身。Shallow and deep at the same time.

向来缘浅,奈何情深。Alwayss margin of shallow How deep.

我们的船载浅水区搁浅了。Our ship grounded in shallow water.

我讨厌这种肤浅,虚伪的做作。I hate such shallow false pretences.

这里的水又浅又清。The water here is shallow and clear.

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浅水池是给不会游泳人用的。It's a shallow pool for non-swimmers.

这条河太浅,船不能行使。This river is too shallow of boating.

索尼娅把色拉装在一个浅盘里。Sonia put the salad in a shallow dish.