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图中显示战略过程计分卡Figure shows strategic process scorecard

我把这个程序称为“windows版高尔夫文摘记分卡”。I called the program “Golf Digest’s ScoreCard for Windows.”

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可以按在整体战略路线中的优先级对每个计分板进行排名。Each scorecard can be ranked by priority within the entire strategy map.

通过加强沟通,记分卡也带来了质量的改进。By enhancing communication, the scorecard also led to qualitative benefits.

我们正在推出企业记分卡的做法,改进我们的问责机制。And we are launching a corporate scorecard so we can be held more accountable.

从表面上看,“计分卡”可能是推动变更的好工具。On the surface, a "scorecard" may appear to be a good tool for driving change.

这个内部记分卡是人们用于评价配偶适合度的依据。This inner scorecard is something that people use to rate the suitability of mates.

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一位玩家持有众人使用的记分卡,这难道没有问题么?Isn't there a problem in one of the players owning the scorecard that everybody uses?

本文将平衡计分卡这种绩效评估的管理念应用于部门绩效审计评价标准的设计。The author applies the theory of the Balanced Scorecard to the design of the standards.

也有人认为他们在与其他家长竞争,其底牌就在孩子身上。Others think they are in a competition with other parents and the scorecard is the kids.

许多人将计分卡视为一个棍子,将他们打成管理者决定的某种形状。Many view the scorecard as a club to hammer them into some shape determined by management.

普华永道对合伙人的评估打分卡中,与人力相关的事项占到三分之一。People-related items account for one-third of the scorecard used to evaluate partners at PwC.

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计分卡不断演变,用户输入他们最需要的数据质量标准。The scorecard keeps evolving, and users give their input on which data quality metrics they need most.

还有一些人认为财富是衡量成功和自我价值的尺度。Still others think of money pri- marily as a scorecard — a way to measure their success and self-worth.

总之,邪恶的计分卡生成有疑问的数据,并且阻碍团队使用这种技术。In summary, the evil scorecard yields questionable data and discourages the team from using the technique.

这对国内其他企业应用杜邦财务分析和平衡计分卡考评也有一定的参考意义。It can make sense for some domestic enterprise that applied Dupond financial analysis and balance scorecard.

对平衡计分卡在X公安分局绩效评估中的运用进行实证研究。Study the practice effects of the Balanced Scorecard performance evaluation index system in X police Bureau.

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学生将学习如何通过管理工具,如平衡计分卡和六西格玛管理的关键工序。Students will learn to manage key processes through management tools such as Balance Scorecard and Six Sigma.

1992年罗伯特·卡普兰和戴维·诺顿开发了平衡计分卡,这一管理工具在全球得到成功应用。In 1992, Robert Kaplan and David Norton developed Blanced Scorecard , it's successfully used all over the world.

运用“平衡记分卡”这一战略管理工具进行战略实施,并设计了华能集团公司的平衡记分卡。Finally, the author discusses how to execute CHNG's corporate strategy by adopting the Balanced Scorecard method.