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我紧张地瞧着他。I tensely watched him.

众人紧张地站立着。They are all standing tensely.

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我们紧张地坐了很久,谁也没说话。We sat tensely for a long time, not talking.

家里的日子总是过得很紧张。The time in the home always passes very tensely.

她的手指紧张地扭动著手提包的把手。Her fingers tensely twisted the handle of her bag.

两只赛艇的队员在紧张地等待着发令枪声。The two crews now tensely awaited the sound of gun.

接着妈妈转向阿乔,他正紧张地看着她。Their mother then turned to Joe, who was watching her tensely.

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格里夫紧张地想从老板脸上揣度他的性恪。Tensely Grief was trying to estimate the boss'character from his face.

经常看见他从早到晚在实验室紧张地工作。He is often seen to work tensely in his laboratory from morning till night.

“我以为你要离开我去英国。”迹部紧张地看着忍足。"I thought you are leaving me and go to England! " Atobe look at Oshitari tensely.

为了这一时刻的到来,各项准备工作正在紧张的筹备之中。For the arrival of this one hour, each preparation work is being prepared tensely in.

“可你至少会幻影显形了!”罗恩紧张地说道,“你到了七月份不会有问题的。”"At least you can Apparate, though! " said Ron tensely. "You'll have no trouble come July! "

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他不仅明察客观的现在,他还能从现在看到未来。He not only beholds in tensely the present as it is, but he beholds the future in the present.

华纳站起来紧张地倾听众人异口同声肯定这个诊断。提克宣读了审判。Warner stood listening tensely to the voices affirming the diagnosis. Tick delivered the verdict.

我们越是忙碌,越能强烈地感觉到我们在活着,越能察觉到生命的存在。The busier we are, the more tensely we feel we are alive, the more we perceive the existence of life.

无形中将原本亲密的干群关系弄得疏远而紧张了。Aeriform lieutenant general does group of relations intimately to be done aloof and tensely originally.

我跌跌撞撞地靠近他身边,紧张地介绍自己,语无伦次地说明自己的用意。I walked crazily , I introduced myself tensely and showed my real purpose incoherently, but he smiled all the time.

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当受到压力紧张时,我们的新陈代谢就会加快,因而使钾的水平降低。When receiving the pressure tensely , our metabolism will be accelerated, therefore make the level of the potassium lower.

和他们俩一样,他们的朋友、邻居和熟人都在紧张地等待在最后通牒到期,他们的焦虑逐渐增加。Like them, their friends, neighbors, and acquaintances tensely wait for the end of the ultimatum, their anxiety increasing.

椅子上的她忽地往前一挺,说道,“拉尔夫,我得要回我的孩子,我要找到他,把他带回故土,让他长眠在他所归属的地方。She leaned forward in her chair tensely. “I want my boy back, Ralph, I want him found and brought home to sleep where he belongs.