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两个广义圈的环和是一个广义圈。The ring sum of two circs is a circ.

您可否让我跟您面谈我的个人情况呢?Would you allow me _ to talk about my personal circs _?

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如果你坚持要这样说,争论战将会发生,这是我们不愿看到的情况。The war will begin if you say so. We would not see this circs.

刘女士首先给同学们介绍了中国移动通讯的发展情况。Ms Liu first introduced the development circs about Chine mobile communication.

但是情况变得相当糟糕,因为他有逻辑,所以困惑如泥潭。But the circs is getting worse and worse. He fells he was in baffle for having logic.

在护理慢性伤口时,应根据具体情况,选择合适的护理方法及必要的支持治疗。Chose appropriate care and necessary support therapy basis on idiographic circs for chronic wound patients.

论文首先介绍了课题的基本情况、软测量技术及称重法建模。Firstly, we introduce the basic circs of the project, soft sensor method and the theory of weighing method.

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第二章首先对灯泡的结构和螺旋灯丝的结构及发光情况作了阐述。In the second chapter, the bulb structure and the filament structure and the illuminant circs are presented.

第二,根据实际使用情况,确定数据库的储存方式,给出系统在多客户环境下的解决方案。Second, the storage method of database and the resolvent under the multi-users environment are confirmed on the bases of use circs.

本文结合广东医学院教务处的实际情况,针对如何实现这些功能做了详细阐述。This paper integrating with the factual circs of college teaching department, expatiates on how to implement the preceding functions.

在煤矿井下使用过程中,经常发生断轴,工作液体渗漏等情况。Under coal mines, break axle often occurs, the working fluid might be oozed out etc. circs. Thus, the article puts up with good prevent measure.

分析中还发现与全国情况差别最大的是,浙江保费收入对政策性因素并不敏感的。The analysis discovers insurance premium revenue of Zhejiang is not impressionable to policy factor, which is best different to countrywide circs.

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针对上饶客车厂的实际情况,分析了它在实施PDM系统时的人员管理模型。According to the practical circs in Shangrao car plant, analyzes the personnel management pattern while carrying out the PDM system in the factory.

第二部分对国际汽车产业集群的概况进行了介绍,并对美国、日本、西班牙汽车产业集群的发展模式进行了比较分析。Chapter two introduces the circs of international automobile cluster of enterprises, and compares American automobile industry with Japanese and Spainish.

第二,根据实际情况及设计要求,确定开发步骤,对系统的各模块进行初步理论上的定位。Second, on the bases of the practical circs and requisition of system design , the exploiture process is confirmed and the modules are designed primarily.

从生产与销售量方面出发,确定企业的发展战略,提出研究课题和运用六西格玛的技术路线。The first chapter states the pharmaceutical returns circs of the year2005 simply and confirms the strategy as well as six-sigma project and technical line.

试点情况介绍主要包括2004年首批试点范围和2005年扩大试点的情况,以及政策内容和规定条件。The circs of experimental units mainly includes the first experimental units in 2004 and its extensions in 2005, the contents and qualifications of the system.

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本文对医用电气设备安全通用要求部分项目检测中的实际操作情况进行了论述,并提供了一些实测经验。This discuss live operation circs in part event of Medical electrical equipment–general requirements for safety test, and afford some practice test experience.

但是,近年来中小学实施创新教育的情况并不令人满意,存在不少问题,直接影响着创新教育的真正落实。But the circs of implementing innovation education in primary and middle schools is not satisfying, and some problems existing now affecting the implementation.

第五部分结合合肥的实际情况,对其下一步发挥政府职能作用促进创新型建设提出建议。The fifth part brings forward proposals on exerting governmental functions to promote innovative city construction, combining with practical circs of Hefei city.