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网球场位于新安东尼亚路旁的一块草地上。The court was in a meadow out on the New Antonia road.

安东妮亚热切地朝屋子四面望着,对每一样东西都赞不绝口。Antonia looked eagerly about the house and admire every thing.

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安东尼娅莱蒂西亚阿斯蒂刚过了61岁生日,她生下了一对双胞胎。Antonia leticia asti gave birth to twins just one week after her 61st birthday.

这是发生在圭多和安东尼亚的时候,他们决定要一个孩子的故事。This is the story of what happens to Guido and Antonia when they decide to have a child.

安东尼娅告诉她的朋友们说,叫人好笑的是他相信他说的话。And the curious thing, Antonia told her friends, was that he believed what he was saying.

“那么为什么,”安东尼娅说,“我的气管都坏了,我躺在地上呢?”“Then why, ” Antonia said, “is my windpipe practically broken and me lying on the floor?”

妮可2001年与汤姆·克鲁斯离婚之后,跟妹妹生活在一起,而妹妹恰恰又在前一年离了婚。She and Antonia saw each otherthrough their divorces, Kidman's in 2001, Antonia's last year.

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他再次为他是否可冒味去车站接安东尼娅这种疑虑所折磨。He was again tortured by the doubt whether or not he might venture to meet Antonia at the station.

他结果两次婚,直到死亡一直由他的第二任妻子作家兼史学家的安东尼娅·菲拉瑟陪伴。He was married twice, and is survived by his second wife, the writer and historian Lady Antonia Fraser.

透过窗户,他可以看见安东尼亚戴着红色圆帽,挥着手杖,他假装不在乎的样子站了起来。Through the window he could see Antonia in her scarlet tamo'shanter, swinging her stick, and he got up feigning unconcern.

尽管圣安东尼奥的港口已经关闭,但Antofagasta和Mejillones的港口看来未受太大影响。While port activities at San Antonia are closed, the ports of Antofagasta and Mejillones don't appear to have had a major impact.

但安东尼弗雷泽打开大门的政治和文化需求造就了国王和他的妻子王室的命运。But Antonia Fraser opens the door to the political and cultural demands that shaped the destinies of the king and his royal wives.

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谢尔顿忽然想起了安东妮亚,她的率直的眼睛,白里透红的面孔上的雀斑,拢在后面的金色的秀发。Thoughts of Antonia with her candid eyes, the touch of freckling on her pink-white skin, the fair hair gathered back, sprang up in Shelton.

据那些只穿袜子不穿鞋的朋友们听说,在以后的年月里,安东尼娅一提到他从来不带先前那种生气的口吻了,却总是含着怜悯的心情,因为她说,他知道他自己够可怜的了。In later years Antonia never, in her stocking-footed friends’ hearing, spoke of him with anger, always only pity, because, she said, he knew himself so poorly.

安东妮亚的三十年见证了她从一个十四岁的天真无邪的移民小女孩成长为四十四岁的成熟杰出的女拓荒者的沉浮历程,无形中勾勒出一半上升的弧线。The thirty years for Antonia traces her growth from an innocent fourteen years old immigrant girl to a mature virtuous woman pioneer at the age of forty-four, drawing an ascending arc.

作者立足于美国西部拓荒者的生活及由此形成的精神传统,刻画出安东妮亚等一群自强不息的女性形象及女性周围处于弱势的男性形象。Based on the pioneers life in the American west and the spiritual tradition , the author depicted Antonia and other female images who strived unceasingly for life as well as male images around them.