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歌声应该有一系列可感知的不同音乐声。A song should have a series of recognizably different musical sound.

一首歌应该包括一系列可被认出的不同的音乐声音。A song should have a series of recognizably different musical sounds.

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我希望能辨别出的音乐是流行,但有不同的转折。I wanted to make music that was recognizably pop but had a different twist.

习惯是一种诅咒,但是没有习惯的人类生活方式是不被认可的。Habits are a curse, but there is no recognizably human form of life without them.

肯定还有其他城镇,这数百年仍然公认希腊。There must have been other towns, which for centuries remained recognizably Greek.

它的某些特征,如长长的手臂和突起的鼻子,可辨别为人类。Some of its characteristics, such as long arms and a protruding nose, are recognizably human.

然而他的视界全然集中于美国核心的安全利益,他显然是一个现实主义者。But his view is certainly focused on America's core security interests and is recognizably realist.

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他几乎总是创造被印第安人所认同的工程,但是他说他们是不认同的。He almost always creates works that are recognizably Native American. But he says they do not have to be.

就其本质而言,美国几个世纪以来形成的民族特征不会改变太多。Indeed, in essentials the national character will be recognizably much as it has been for a couple of centuries.

高辨别出水平,这一商标是对发展中国家的市场,成为他之所以提出这个决定。The high recognizably level of this trade mark on developing countriesmarketbecame the reason for making this decision.

实际上,吴老是最早摈弃现实主义采用抽象主义的画家之一,但他的画风成功地保留了中国的元素。Indeed, Wu was one of the first to forsake realist works for abstractions, which somehow managed to remain recognizably Chinese.

另一方面,有一种类型的神经症,其状态可被识别为由此解放中遭遇失败所决定。On the other hand, there is a class of neurotics whose condition is recognizably determined by their having failed in this task.

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八大行星是盘面吸积作用的最终优势产物,与数量庞大的小行星和KBO有著可辨识的明显差异。The eight planets are the dominant end products of disk accretion and differ recognizably from the vast populations of asteroids and KBOs.

它是由人的特征组成,但是简化的设计让你无法辨识机器人的性别年龄。It is recognizably human, but the minimal design means that you are unable to distinguish whether the robot is male or female, young or old.

可以想象,心脏病专家需要一些时间领会这些指南,病人可能需要更长时间才能适应这些改变。Recognizably , cardiologists will require some time to assimilate these guidelines, and patients probably will need een longer to feel comfortable with the changes.

你也许会认为故事的缘起缘落都在你的掌握之中,而结果果然如此。可是,在欣赏影片的过程中,你的确很享受,甚至感动,甚至认识到了人性的闪光点与弱点。You may think you know where all this is headed and you're probably right, but the getting there is funny and occasionally moving and sometimes even recognizably human.

不久后就会听到很多静电杂音,但接著针尖就会因振动而变得模糊不清,刚才提到的歌曲有点含糊,不过在背景杂音之中还是听得出来。Soon you hear a lot of static, but then the needle simply disappears in a vibrational blur as the song in question is dimly but recognizably heard above the background noise.

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偶尔人们也会谈论盗贼和劫匪的事,可能因为再不发达地区或所谓的第三世界国家里,腐败的政府的“法律”或强制根本不起作用已经是司空见惯的事了。Once in a while robbers and hijackers are conversational topics perhaps because in under-developed or third-world countries the "law" or enforcement thereof can be recognizably corrupt.

偶尔人们也会谈论盗贼和劫匪的事,可能因为在不发达地区或所谓的第三世界国家里,腐败的政府的“法律”或强制根本不起作用已经是司空见惯的事了。Once in a while, robbers and hijackers are conversational topics, perhaps because in under-developed or third-world countries, the "law" or enforcement thereof, can be recognizably corrupt.

然而,小提琴也许可以演奏出一首钢琴曲,但条件是这位小提琴手必须有灵感,同时他还受到小提琴本身和原作曲的限制。The violin can, however, play recognizably the same music as the piano, but only if the violinist is guided by the nature and possibilities of the violin as well as by the original composition.