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版权所有,1963。Copyright ? 1963.

整个2011年约翰莫尔丁。Copyright 2011 John Mauldin.

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版权是一个重大障碍。Copyright is the big hurdle.

哈熏蛋版权所有。Copyright All Right Reserved.

彼得·埃伦斯1988年版权所有。Copyright 1988 by Peter Irons.

美联社2011年版权所有。Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.

因为有版权问题,说的对For copyright reasons, that's right.

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本光盘的著作权归作者所有。Of the copyright of the CD-ROM of all.

版权保护解决了这个难题。Copyright protection solves this dilemma.

法例并无规定版权须予注册。There is no requirement to register copyright.

版权还归原作者所有!Copyright is also owned by the original author!

网络文学作品版权不易保护。The network writers scarce copyright awareness.

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根据GAINAX创造并拥有其版权的角色创作Based on characters created by and copyright GAINAX

版权在互联网上起着相同的作用。Copyright serves the same function on the Internet.

白倍频无侵犯版权之意。The White Octave No copyright infringement intended.

版权归美联社所有,保留所有权利。Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

您可以在版权页上查到版次。You can check the edition number in the copyright page.

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中鑫证券拥有本网页内资料的版权。All materials on this website are protected by copyright.

经济日报版权所有,不得转载。Copyright 2010. Economic Daily News. All Rights Reserved.

论文中并未载有侵犯版权的资料。It dosen't contain any material on copyright infringement.