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鸟雀林间寂,虫鸣叶底藏。The birds still worm sound foliaceous hide.

叶长带金边,色泽光亮。Foliaceous strip is gilt-edged, brightness of colour and lustre.

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闻香后,仔细欣赏汤色,叶底,再慢慢品饮。After Wen Xiang, admire Shang Se carefully, foliaceous copy, taste drink slowly again.

单叶,沿茎互生,某些种的叶对生或轮生。Unifoliate , edge bine each other is unripe, certain planted foliaceous opposite or verticillate.

叶互生于基部,线形,表面光滑柔软,叶鞘淡褐色。Foliaceous each other is born at base ministry, line form, the surface is smooth and soft, vaginal ecru.

叶司令当场炸死,副官凌辉浑身是血受了重伤。Foliaceous commander on the spot scamper is dead, adjutant Ling Hui is blood sufferred serious injury all over.

红斑型及落叶型的荧光以表皮浅层最为明显。The fluorescence of erythematous type and foliaceous type was most prominent in the superficial layer of epidermis.

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茎竖立,基部木质化,叶互生,披针形或长椭圆形。The bine is erect, base ministry lignification, foliaceous each other is unripe, wrap around needle form or long elliptic.

叶网是一家网页游戏开发商和运营商,成功建立了大型的网页游戏平台。Foliaceous net is business of development of game of a webpage and operation business, built large webpage game platform successfully.

香气醇陈滋味甘醇爽口叶底呈桐褐色并带有松烟味和槟榔味。Aroma is mellow old flavor pleasant is mellow tastily foliaceous de chengtong is brown contain loose smoke flavour and areca ingredient.

一些泡剩的叶底和冷掉的茶汤,别轻易丢掉,做成外用剂涂敷患处,往往能解救皮肤于危难之间。Some bubble with foliaceous and cold off, don't throw tea made topical agent, easily place coated, often can save between skin in distress.

小叶片3,卵状披针形,托叶早落,叶互生,小叶边缘有锯齿,枝条柔软。Small lamina 3, egg shape wraps around needle form, stipule falls early, foliaceous each other is unripe, flocculus brim has toothed, vimineous softness.

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叶经理猜测,在今年元宵节市民购花的小高潮中,将由百合和郁金香唱主角。Foliaceous director is forecasted, in the small climax that this year citizen of festival of lanterns buys a flower, will sing leading role by lily and tulip.

良性肿瘤多为膨胀性生长,体积逐渐增大并挤开和压迫周围组织,外表形态多为球形或分叶状。Benign tumor is more expansile grow, bulk increases gradually and crowded leave and oppress all round organization, outside configuration is more globose or cent is foliaceous.

日伪特务谷又丰跟踪少诚到了当铺,少诚从暗道逃出,被叶眉打晕,吊在了屋梁上。Gu Youfeng of day bogus spy dogs little sincere arrived pawnshop, little sincere escape from dark line, by stun of foliaceous the top margin of a page, condole was in on house bridge.

对大部分观叶植物,要停施氮肥,适当追施一些低浓度的钾肥,以增加花卉的抗寒性。Watch foliaceous plant to much, should stop apply nitrogenous fertilizer, chase after appropriately apply potash fertilizer of a few low pH indicator, with increasing flowers fight cold sex.