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恺轻蔑地望着他。Kay looked at him scornfully.

他轻蔑地谈起物质方面的享受。He scornfully talked about material things.

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“你是个侏儒,”小格里夫鄙视的说。"You're a dwarf, " Young Griff said scornfully.

门卫轻蔑地打量这个衣衫烂缕的老人。The guard looked at the old man in rags scornfully.

许多埃及人把穆巴拉克戏称为“暴君法老王”。Many Egyptians scornfully call Mr. Mubarak “the Pharaoh.”

轻蔑地看了她一眼后,便告诉她那件衣服已经卖出去了。Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was sold.

但他的努力被轻蔑地拒绝了,因为他们想要这场战争。His attempts were scornfully rejected because they wanted this fight.

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她的这句话让我或多或少感到很不痛快。She said scornfully. Her words more or less made me feel uncomfortable.

他在老爷面前摘下切尔克斯高顶帽,鄙夷地向他望了一眼。He took off his Circassian cap to his master and looked scornfully at him.

爸爸蔑视地摆了摆胳膊,转身回屋了。I don't want it !' Dad waved his arm scornfully and turned back toward the house.

貌美的薇拉鄙夷地微露笑容,显然她一点也不感到屈辱。The handsome young countess smiled scornfully , apparently not in the least mortified.

我将妻的要求告诉了露儿,露儿笑得有些轻佻,说再怎么还是离婚,搞这么多花样做什么。No matter what tricks she does, she has to face the result of divorce, she said scornfully.

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那狮子哈哈大笑,对此嗤之以鼻,但还是高抬贵手,把自己勇敢的囚犯放走了。The lion laughed scornfully at this, but he lifted his paw and let his brave prisoner go free.

“我该说是谁要找他呢?”旅店老板用瞧不起的眼光望着狄发拉一身乡下人的装扮。"Who shall I say wants him?" said the innkeeper, looking scornfully at the farmer's country clothes.

除此以外,本赛季他对利物浦的贡献少之又少。在安菲尔德内部,有人对他的态度颇有微辞。That apart, his contribution to Liverpool's season has been lousy. There are some people inside Anfield who speak scornfully of his attitude.

如果有人问我是哪个学校的,我会很不屑的告诉他学校的名字,然后详细的描述这个学校有多么多么的差!I will tell the name scornfully and straightly that if someone ask me about my University. Then also I will detailedly describe how bad the school is!

网上的批评者将有关高铁保证服务的政府宣传和高铁网事故频发的现实进行了对比,颇具讽刺意味。Online critics have scornfully contrasted the difference between government rhetoric about the promise of high-speed rail and the reality of the troubled network.